Chapter X

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Warnings: smut alert [grinding; tiny bit of dirty talk; cum/jizz/spunk] 18+ only!

This ended up being a really fun chapter to write, even if it was spread out over many broken and stressful days. I like how it turned out–I hope you do too ~~

"Did he rip you a new one?" Danny asked as Jake headed back, not a moment passing before they were side by side and walking in sync.

"Ha-ha," Jake replied, voice low, hoarse even though he hadn't sung. He still needed that drink. "Only you could do that."

"Yeah, speaking of–how's that feel?" Danny asked, leaning back and patting his ass.

It made Jake laugh just a little. "Okay. In need of some more recovery, I suppose."

"No doubt," Danny said, patting it again, then wrapping his arm around his shoulders. Jake stiffened at first, surprised–yeah, they were all perhaps a little more physically affectionate than the average group of guys but it felt different, knowing that Danny was in love with him and apparently not too cautious when it came to showing it. Maybe.

Damn. In love with him. The words painted themselves in crimson and silver behind Jake's eyes as he blinked and leaned into Danny's touch. He could let the drummer take the brunt of his body weight–he could take it–as they headed back to the bus. When it was back in plain view, however, Danny stopped and nudged Jake back up straight with a shift of his shoulder.

"I don't feel like getting back on there," he said, his eyes darker than usual in the low light buzzing above them, jutting his chin toward the bus.

Jake pulled out his phone to glance at the time. "We have an hour."

Danny tilted his chin up in thought for a moment. "Are you hungry?" he asked as he glanced back down, and Jake could see the dampness around his hairline, the curls almost wiry with sweat around his temples.

Jake's stomach growled as if on cue–he could never really eat before going onstage. None of them could, not even Danny. "Yeah," he said, looking up to match Danny's gaze, even managing a tired smile at the handsome, dark face. "What did you have in mind?"

"I saw a food truck down the street. Burgers. Maybe more importantly, cheese fries," Danny said, raising his eyebrows. Without waiting for a response, he hooked his arm with Jake's and started to steer them away from the bus, from the throngs of fans just out of earshot, from their staff; Jake leaned into him again, stomach rumbling even louder.

"Whoa!" Danny said, laughing. "We better get something in you ASAP."

Maybe more than one thing. Although, Jake pondered, after they both inhaled burgers dripping with grease and fries covered in melted cheese and who knows what else, he figured neither of them would be up for much of anything after other than a shower and crawling right into their bunks. Maybe "bunk," singular. They could still sleep together. Jake imagined Danny rubbing his belly if he complained of a stomach ache, and maybe he would just to make that happen. He was never good at faking sick–that was always Josh's game.

Cradling white and red paper trays in their hands and styrofoam cups full of sugar-laden sodas in the crooks of their arms, they found a park bench nearby, tucked away from the street lights except for one that hung right over them, making Jake feel incredibly conspicuous. It buzzed like all the others and illuminated the oils leaking from the burgers and the cheese and the fries–he hadn't been so gluttonous in quite a while. The first bite of his burger was an intense rush of serotonin, taste buds singing; Danny seemed to be having the same experience, wolfing down a third of his own as Jake blinked up at the light and chewed.

Wisdom of the Fool // Jake & DannyWhere stories live. Discover now