Chapter 2: The Only Person I can Stand

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As I feel the tug I stop and look at whoever wanted something from you. "What do you wan-" I stop as I see one of the only person I can stand in this school, Koneko Toujou. "Oh hey Koneko-chan." I can the hear the surprise from the other students as you talk to the schools mascot so casually. Koneko just looks at me with her usual stoic expression.

"Where have you been?" she asks with a slight hint of worry in her voice. "You better.  Have not. Been drinking."

I start sweating a little bit as this tiny girl intimidates me. "O-of course I w-wasn't drinking..." I can feel her glare at you deciding whether to believe you or not. "Alright..." I hear the doubt in her voice as she says it. "Come to the club room. This afternoon. We've been. Worried about you."

I smile at her "Of course, I've been wanting to know whats been going on with you guys too." After I finish speaking she just nods and walks off to whatever else she needs to do before school. I feel the looks of other students amazed at the fact that I got the usually silent girl to talk more than she does in a day in five minutes. "What are you lookin' at?!" I yell at the people gaping at me, this gets them to finally realize they were staring and quickly walk away. I just sigh, already tired of what this day has in store.


"Hello class, good to see everyone today!" He looks over at me "I see that Mr. Tsuneo has graced us with his presence," He lets the class laugh at this before continuing "So, as most of you know we have a test on what we learned last week today, Mr. Tsuneo, would you like to take the test tomorrow so you have a chance to learn the material?"

I look at him while ever so slightly caring about this test. "I'll take it today. I don't need the extra time." He looks surprised at my response, guess most people would choose to put off their work.

"A-alright then... Hajimora could you come help pass these out?"


I look at the test of whatever class this was, huh, integral calculus, guess this is math. Not easy that's for sure, but not hard either.


I hear the teachers footsteps come up to my desk and stop "Ahem Mr. Tsuneo this is time to work on the test not to sleep." I just pick my head up and hand him the already finished test. "What the?" He glances at me in confusion before going back to the test.

"I finished it already, wasn't that hard." The other students just look at me in shock. I stand up pushing my chair back and walk to the door. "And Teach," He looks away from my test at me. "Just cause I don't come to school doesn't mean I'm an idiot." I walk out leaving a stunned room behind me.

I walk up to the roof to get a breath of fresh air, and to get away from the annoying other kids. I lean in the railing looking out at the town of Kuoh. I reach into the stupid overcoat that's part of the schools uniform and pull out my flask, and right as i put relief up to my mouth the door to the roof opens and who comes out but Koneko. "I knew I would find you here."

"Sup koneko." I quickly finish my swig and put the flask away.

"You said you weren't drinking." I look over at her, she seems... kind of angry...

"Sorry, it's a relief for me." I look at her as she quietly stalks up to me and puts out her hand

"Give it."

Drunken Brawler Male Reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now