Chapter 11: Ocellus's Impossible Idea/The Story of Amber Sky/The Plan.

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"Ocellus, you cannot," Princess Luna said, "You are underaged and do not have a law degree. I cannot allow it."

"But I will," Ocellus spoke firmly. Inside, her brain was saying: Ocellus, what the heck are you doing?!, "Silverstream is my best friend and I care about her more than anything. I don't want to take this job without your permission, but I will. It's what friends do for each other."

"Ocellus-" Princess Luna warned her.

"Amber Sky would've done the same for you." Ocellus stated, catching Princess Luna off guard. Amber Sky was a young pegasus recruit in the Lunar Republican Army during the Equestrian Civil War who was sent on a spy mission to the Solar Empire and never came back. It was later revealed that Sky had been captured and indoctrinated, forced to serve the Empire. After the war ended, Amber Sky fled to parts unknown, feeling like she didn't belong anywhere. No one ever saw her again. Silverstream had met Sky one time while she was still a slave to the Empire. The two became acquaintances and Silver had shared the story with Ocellus one time at school. That was how she knew. Princess Luna and Sky also had shared a friendship during Sky's training for the army before the fateful mission.

"How do you know about Amber Sky? I never told anyone." Princess Luna inquired skeptically.

"Silverstream knew," Ocellus said, "Silverstream, can you share your story with Princess Luna?"

Taking it as an order, Silverstream nodded, "I met her...back when I was a slave to Empress Celestia...she was working as an Imperial Guard...and we met one time when I was..." she tried to recall. Finally, she did, "When I was working on building a statue of Celestia. She complimented me on my hard work, saying that nopony could ever get Mistress's nose right." At this, Princess Luna stifled laughter. Silverstream continued, "We struck up a conversation. She sympathized with what I was going through and told me her secret backstory that she had been forced to hide, involving her training in the Republic...we shared a lot of things. One night...she tried to help me escape and get back home to Mount Aris...we escaped the yards and she took me to the train station...but before we could get to the train...Mistress and her guards found us and Amber was forced to reveal everything to save her reputation...She got off scot free while I...I slept outside in the cold after returning to the castle..."

Princess Luna looked sad, "I'm glad you met her. She was a great and promising young mare. Nocreature knows if she's still alive. After the war, reports were given that she fled Canterlot and never returned, feeling like she didn't belong anywhere."

Ocellus understood. She said, "Amber would've defended you had she not been captured. She would've...stuck by you until the end and fight for you until her very last breath. That's precisely what I'm trying to do for Silverstream. I'm trying to be there for her whenever she needs me. Now she does. If no lawyer is stepping up to my friend's case, then I will."

Princess Luna nodded, "Thank you for reminding me of Amber. She was so determined and loyal...that does sound like something she would've done. I see none of that determination and loyalty left her when she tried to help Silverstream escape, even if she confessed everything to save herself. Alright. This is an impossible and crazy idea, but you can be her attorney if you really want to. But be warned: being a lawyer isn't easy. It requires extensive training in law school. You are taking a huge risk by doing this with no experience."

"I know," Ocellus replied, "But it's a risk I am willing to take."

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