Chapter 21: The Final Battle Part 2: Defeating Chaos Harvester

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Atticus Spark and Judge Spitfire tore through the guards surrounding the outskirts of Canterlot and stormed the city. Atticus rushed through the west castle courtyard towards the main Canterlot palace where he heard Chaos Harvester goading him, "Go ahead! Try to save your little daughter, Atticus!"

Atticus had no idea what to do. He couldn't get up there in time to save Citrine. Just then, Ocellus, Hawk, Amber Sky, and Silverstream arrived. 

As Hawk tried to fly up to confront Chaos, a bunch of arrows rained down on him.

"It's a trap!" Hawk shouted, cursing, "They won't let me get up there!"

"Uh oh." Amber Sky said, "What do we do?"

"Who the heck are you?" Judge Spitfire asked.

"Long story," Silverstream replied, "We have to save Citrine!"

"Got it." came a familiar voice. They turned. It was Princess Luna flying over towards them. She flew up towards the palace roof where she saw Chaos Harvester holding the squirming Citrine right in her grip.

"Help me, Luna!" Citrine cried out.

Princess Luna opened her crescent moon symbol on her regalia and pulled out six dull and lifeless looking gems. The Elements of Harmony.

"Careful not to fry one of your little subjects, Luna." Chaos Harvester taunted her. She blasted a beam of magic at Luna, who cried out from the pain.

Amber Sky gasped, "She doesn't stand a chance without the Elements!"

Princess Luna spiraled towards the ground. Citrine continued to squirm. Frustrated, Chaos Harvester yelled: "Hold still, you little brat!!" She kicked Citrine over to one of the tower's walls. Citrine looked at Chaos in fear.

Amber Sky got out her necklace that Luna had once given her and looked up at the wounded alicorn, "We're stronger together! We're stronger together, Luna! I'm right here, Princess! Regain your might and ignite! I'm right here, Luna, I'm right here! REGAIN YOUR MIGHT AND IGNITE!!"

Seeing Amber Sky, Princess Luna's eyes welled up with tears of joy. The Elements then lit up, restored to their former glory. She levitated them and they spun around her, forming a shield of blinding blue and rainbow light. She then flew up while our heroes watched in amazement.

Back on the tower, Chaos Harvester was threatening to blast Citrine, "You want a piece of this?! HUH?!"

Citrine trembled and shielded herself, "No NO!!"

Chaos then saw Luna fly up to the roof again within the magic sphere. She laughed maniacally, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" She paused for a moment and then unleashed a full blast of magic at Luna, who countered with her own blast. The beam came out a mix of blue and rainbow that collided with Chaos's magic beam and started pushing it back.

"Go, Luna!!" Citrine called out.

"You can do it! You got this, Princess!" Amber Sky encouraged her. Ocellus, Hawk, Atticus, Silverstream, and Judge Spitfire echoed the encouragement.

Chaos tried her best, trying to overpower the rainbow power, but it continued to push towards her. Luna then let out a gust of air and the blast of harmony crashed against Chaos Harvester, knocking her out cold.

Everyone applauded and cheered at Princess Luna's victory over Chaos Harvester. Finally, it was Luna who defeated the conspiracy. 

The Empress of Friendship was down and out. 

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