Chapter 14: The Villain Meeting

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It was now June 21 2021, just one month before the trial would begin on July 21st. Cozy Glow, the chief conspirator, daughter of the President, self-proclaimed Empress of Friendship, and slaveowner of Silverstream, paced the floor of the family room, wondering when her fellow conspirators would arrive.

Already sweeping changes had been brought to the school and Cozy Glow couldn't rally any of her classmates to be witnesses, so that was a major setback. Plus, the mysterious Night Guard, secret federal police answering only to Princess Luna, had arrived and removed Silverstream from her custody. Silverstream went with the guards willingly after they told her that she was being taken to the hotel Queen Novo was staying at, and not the Federal Prison. The Federal Prison was the top most secure, most brutal prison facility in Equestria and everyone feared it. Cozy feared that if she lost the trial, she would be going there.

Finally, after an eternity of waiting, Cozy Glow gave up and decided to tell those bumbling idiots via text message 'forget it'. But before she could get out her phone, there was a knock on the front door. She opened it and there was Svengallop and Suri Polomare.

"Surprise!" Svengallop said, "Sorry, we took so long. Boy, we haven't been seen since Chapter 5 of this fanfiction, and-"

"Yeah, I'm in no mood for fourth wall breaks," Cozy Glow told him harshly, "Both of you...GET IN HERE!!!"

"REMEMBER my lessons, only then she'll survive!"

The two fellow villains hurried inside and Cozy Glow closed the door. They went over towards the dining room table and sat at it, first talking about their aspirations for when they won the trial.

"Great," Cozy Glow said, "We basically got our whole plan set up. What we did was justified by the laws of nature certainly. But what if we don't win this trial? On that note, we don't even have a lawyer and that brat has one: her meddlesome friend."

"I worked as a lawyer once," Svengallop said, "I retired so I could work as a stage manager for my former pop star Countess Coloratura. But...she betrayed me for her childhood friend 13 years ago, and all I've been doing since then was work as an engineer. Even after the conspiracy, I still had that job, so...I can do it."

"But aren't all three of us being sued?" Suri Polomare asked, "How can you be a lawyer if you're the defendant?"

"There's some misunderstanding," Cozy Glow explained, "Svengallop isn't being sued along with me. Suri, you're not being sued either."

This caught both fellow conspirators off guard. Svengallop asked, "Wait, we're not? But weren't all three of us involved in the conspiracy?"

"The other party doesn't know that," Cozy Glow pointed out, "What this lawsuit is doing is suing me and my family, not you two. Of course, you two are both also guilty, but I'm the one who abused Silverstream and drove her to near suicide..." She paused, "You don't want to know about that day."

During her days of being enslaved by Cozy Glow, Silverstream had tried to take her own life in order to end her suffering by drinking a type of sauce considered to be lethal that was left in the kitchen. Cozy saw this and was able to resuscitate Silver by making her drink a lot of water. Silver felt nauseous after, but she lived. Cozy Glow punished her severely after that for attempting to commit suicide by locking her in a crate and making her stay there for a whole day.

"Uh, you what?" Suri asked, shocked.

"Nothing you should be concerned about!" Cozy Glow snapped, causing Suri to regret her question immediately.

"Anyway, this trial is going to be a big deal," Svengallop told them, "This is not only a custody battle, this is a criminal trial as well. A combo trial! That's like...never happened before ever. Hawk is going to be there and Ocellus will not only be a defense attorney for Silverstream, she'll be a defense attorney for Hawk as well. And trust me, that's a big deal. Plus, the lawsuit is on a government level because your mother is the President and she's being sued! Dictator or no, this is severely going to affect her reputation if she decides to run for re-election in 4 years."

"Then we'll just have to be prepared," Cozy Glow said, "Svengallop, I hereby appoint you as my mom and I's lawyer. The fate of my mom's reputation and our social standing is at stake. Are we ready to take this on in a month?"

"I will need to go over my opening and closing statements as well as questions," Svengallop replied, "You girls want to help me out?"

"We'd be delighted to," Suri Polomare said, "Alright. I'll be the judge and let's say you call up one of the defendants, Cozy Glow, up for questioning. What would you say?"

The two went over to the living room and acted out the trial according to how they thought it would go. Of course, the practice trial ended in Cozy Glow being found innocent and Silverstream being forced to live with her forever, but the conspirators knew that may not be the case, so they also tried an alternate scenario where Cozy Glow was found guilty and sentenced to life in the Federal Prison.

Cozy had to admit that she did a great job bawling and shouting as "Judge Polomare" gave the sentence as even Svengallop felt bad for "losing" the case.

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