Chapter 22: Welcome Back, Amber/The Army of Mulan/The Sentencing/Afterward.

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The reunion was heartfelt. Princess Luna safely brought the trembling Citrine Spark down to the ground where she ran into her father's hooves, crying softly from the trauma she experienced.

"Oh, Citrine. It's okay. I got you." Atticus told her reassuringly, comforting his traumatized daughter.

Princess Luna said: " it really you?"

"It's me, Princess," Amber Sky replied. Princess Luna's face broke into the widest smile ever seen and she tackled Amber Sky in a bear hug.

"I thought you were dead!" Princess Luna exclaimed, "Where were you all these two years?"

"Um...Princess?" Amber Sky asked, obviously implying it was hard to breathe. Luna noticed this and released her, smiling sheepishly.

Amber Sky described everything. Since she fled into exile, she had worked as a street vendor in Klugetown for about 2 months, building up a good life for herself before she took a job as a cabin mare on Captain Celeano's pirate airship, which she stayed on for about 8 months before she decided to go back and face her past, planning to covertly write a letter to Princess Luna saying she was sorry, before she spotted a kidnapping in Ponyville and followed the gang into the clearing where she took on and killed Suri Polomare, saving Silverstream's life.

"That must've been an eventful two years," Hawk said, laughing quietly, "It makes my imprisonment in the Chateau D'If look like nothing compared to what you went through."

"Indeed," Princess Luna said, "Amber, I do not fall you for that armor. My sister forced you to serve her. But you proved that you still have the Lunar Republican spirit when you tried to help Silverstream escape slavery. Silverstream here told me everything."

"But I chickened out," Amber told Silverstream, "I could've saved you, but I was too much of a coward."

Silverstream shook her head, "You don't get it, Amber. If you didn't sell me out right there, Mistress would've killed you or severely hurt you. You were protecting yourself, not chickening out. There's a difference."

Amber nodded, although she wasn't totally convinced.

"I am offering you a position back in the military," Princess Luna said, "This is our chance to start afresh. You can finish your training and rise up in rank to become as good of a general as Hawk was when he was in charge. But the choice is yours. I cannot force you. But I want us to start anew."

Amber looked at Silverstream, who nodded encouragingly. Finally, she took Luna's hoof and said, "I accept, Princess."

"Then I must say this," Princess Luna said warmly, "Welcome home, Amber."

Hawk then flew up and grabbed the unconscious Chaos Harvester down to the ground as well. Chaos Harvester had reverted back to Cozy Glow with the dark magic drained out of her by the Elements of Harmony, but she still had her alicorn horn and large wings, albeit not demonic.

Cozy Glow recovered and got up slowly. Everyone looked in either shock or fear. She saw our heroes gathered around her and growled, "You honestly think friendship will save you?! I will always return! Nothing will ever stop the return of the-"

Just then, someone interrupted her, "Ocellus, on your left!"

Ocellus turned, startled. Cozy Glow saw this and looked horrified, "WHAT THE HAY?!"

"Aw yeah!" Ocellus exclaimed.

"Wow...!!" Silverstream said with wonder.

Coming towards them was every single character ever created by Disney. Ocellus heard Mulan shout: "DISNEY, ASSEMBLE!!!!"

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