Part 1

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Jake POV:

T-"Tonight is finally the stakeout. We need photos of anyone seen using or dealing with the drug. Unless there is a large dealing we will not arrest anyone. 3 locations, 3 teams.

C-"Jakey and me."

T-"No, teams have been specified already: I will be with Diaz, Boyle with captain holt, Peralta and Santiago."

J-"With all due respect sir, Amy won't be able to make it."

A-"Actually, Jake is the one that will have to stay behind."

J-"No, no, no. Last week I turned down an important case, this week it's your turn."

T-"No one is staying behind. If it's about the kids just leave them with a babysitter."

A-"I am not leaving them with some random person, the number of kidnapping cases that I've worked on where the babysitter did it. "

T-"Just call your parents."

J-"out of town, as well as mine."

T-"Amy, you have seven brothers, you can find someone to watch them for the night."

A-"in town, I only have 3, two of them work night shifts and the other one refuses to watch kids."

T-"Hitchcock and Scully."

J-"I think its safer to leave them with a serial killer in the detention room than with those two. No offense."

S+H-"none taken."

T-"Well, you have to figure it out, we need you both. Dismissed."

I walked out and Amy grabbed my hand.

A-"Jake we have to figure this out, do you have any friends that are willing to watch mac and charlie?"

J-"I do! His name is Charles Boyle."

A-"Okay jake enough. I can call Teddy."

J-"Yeah, for him to propose again? or adopt our children?"

A-"You have any better ideas?"

J-"Yup, we just bring them with us."

A-"Are you joking babe? Mac is 4 and Charlie is 2, they are way too young to go on stakeouts. Its too dangerous."

J-"They won't leave the car, we just need to snap a few pictures and come home."

A-"Jake they are babies. And What if we need to pursue a criminal? what if one of us is held at gunpoint? I read a book about how kids can be seriously affected by things like this, we can't let that happen."

J-"We always have Hithcock and Scully."

I looked to my left, they were both shirtless, eating expired chips.

A-"yeah they are coming with us."

J-"I'll pick them up from daycare in an hour."

We got back to work and Amy was clearly stressed.

J-"Ams, everything will be okay. We are two of the best cops, nothing can happen to our babies."

A-"but what if something happens?"

J-"We will take the bulletproof vests Holt got them for Christmas."

A-"okay. But! if anything happens, one of us stays behind with them inside the and calls for backup."

J-"Okay, I will go and you stay behind. If anything happens, I know they would be better off with you."


J-"I think it's pretty crazy how different going on a mission is ever since Mac was born. Now I feel like if something ever happened to me, they would grow up without a dad, all because of a dumb decision I made. And I know how growing up without a dad feels."

A-"I also feel that, but more so when charlie was born, my little girl growing up without a mom is even scarier. But the way I calm down is by thinking about how awesome you are and how if anything ever happens, you will always be there for them."

J-"Anyway, I have a perp in the interrogation room, see you later."

That night, we got the kids in the car and explained everything.

A-"Oh and I noticed you brought snacks for the kids."

J-"What you mean this? this is all for me."

A-"Okay so about dinner, I read about this place that has a really good takeout service. It has super healthy kids meals-"

J-"I was actually thinking Mc Donalds. There is a new line of car toys and- "

A-"It would keep the kids busy the whole night, I like the way you think babe"

J-"Yeah that was totally what I was thinking."

Amy was driving, while Mac and I dished her on the new episode of our favorite show.

M-"My favorite one is Zuma because his car turns into a boat sometimes and then he can go on the water."

J-"Mac, you are clearly wrong, the best one is by far Chase. He is a cop and he always saves the day."

A-"Okay Jake what do you want to eat?"

J-"I want a happy meal and an extra box of nuggets."

A-"You mean like, what the kids order?"

J-"Oh, of course, I almost forgot to say a large soda, extra sauce, and a sundae. "

She ordered the food and Mac and I continued to talk about Paw Patrol.

J-"Ams, I got a girl toy, change it to the car one"

A-"Jake, you are unbelievable. Mac is yours a girl one too?"

M-"Yeah mommy but I can give it to charlie, she likes the dolls."

A-"How is your 5-year-old son less childish than you?"

J-"Maybe because he has your genes?"

A-"Shut up Peralta. (to the guy taking their order) Sorry sir, are you able to change this toy for the boy one?"

W-"Unfortunately we are all out."

A-"No problem-"

J-"Actually we are both NYPD detectives and unless you want us you want me here tomorrow to investigate this place, then you better give me a hot wheels car."

W-"The best I can do is taking one off the display. "

J-"Oh, can it be the blue and green one, its the only one I'm missing."

He looked at me, almost laughing.

J-"I mean its the only one that my son is missing in his collection."

We got there and ate our dinner. The kids behaved perfectly as always, probably because of the hours they spend with captain holt.

M-"Daddy I really need to go potty"

J-"How long can you hold it?"

M-"2 minutes."

J-"Ill take him. I have my ear thing on so if anything happens here to just tell me."

We walked a block into a small restaurant. I recognized the guy at the counter but I wasn't sure from where. I was helping Mac wash his hands when I figured it out. It was too late though.

Y-"Hands in the air Peralta, and take that off your ear and place it on the floor."

My instinct was to push Mac behind me, in a protecting way. I placed the earpiece on the ground and my hands in the air.

Y-"Do you remember me, Peralta? I am Yussif, that guy you arrested with no clear evidence. I didn't rob that store, but I served 3 years of prison for it. I am guilty, but of other things, like drug dealing oh and I killed 6 people. Tonight my count is going up to 8 cause I will kill you and your kid."

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