Part 7

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Jake's POV:

I was exhausted, I was working two or three extra shifts every day and Charlie and Mac are both sick. I don't know how Amy does it, she must be a superhero or something. I brought my cup of coffee and sat back down on my desk.

R-"Hey Jake we are having some drinks tonight to celebrate Amy and Charles."

J-"What about them?"

R-"They just found out about the biggest drug operation in the state, and they just attended some meetings."

J-"What? Amy told me that they were taking it slow. It's only been a couple of weeks this can go very wrong!"

R-"Relax jake, they know what they are doing."

J-"I'm relaxed, who said that I'm not relaxed, I am super relaxed."

I left my kids at my mom's and I went to the bar that night. I started drinking a lot.

Rosa's POV:

R-"Jake you should probably slow down"

J-"You think I can't handle more?"

R-"I KNOW you can't handle more."

I knew something was wrong with him so even though I hated it, I sat down and talked to him.

R-"Hey what's wrong, are you worried about Amy?"

J-"Not about Amy, about the baby."

R-"You mean Charlie?"

J-"No, I mean our new baby."

R-"Amy's pregnant? Why didn't she tell us?"

J-"Because she only found out when she left. And I know that she is stressed and that is bad for the baby."

R-"Hey, its Amy we are talking about, she researched everything excessively and she plans out everything. And you don't have to worry jake, Charles is there and you know how obsessed he is about you, he won't let anything happen to that child."

J-"Well things aren't good around here either."

R-"What's wrong?"

J-"She is coming back early."

R-"That's good, right? You must be tired of your children."

J-"Well I'm trying to save up to buy us a car before she comes back but it's hard. Mac and Charlie are really hard to handle and Charlie's birthday is next week and then thanksgiving and after that its Christmas. I can already see how expensive it's going to be. And then Amy isn't here to budget Christmas and I just want to have her back."

R-"Wow, saving up to buy a car, that's something new. You are really becoming mature, it's nice to see."

J-"For dinner, I ate Ice cream and cake."

R-"Ok I take it back."

We started laughing about all the stupid childish things that Jake did that night.

Jake's POV:

I left the bar and I was pretty drunk so I just walked home and forgot to pick up the kids. The next morning I had a terrible hangover and I just wanted to skip work. The old jake would probably stay home but I knew I had to earn money. I went to the kids' room and when I saw the empty beds I realized that they slept at my mom's. I drove there and she practically threw them out and told me to never leave them there again. My day was starting rough but I kept going.

M-"Daddy charlie is crying."

J-"Just give her my phone and let her watch some shows."


Those three or four seconds of silence felt so good, especially for my headache. But that was quickly interrupted.

M-"EWWW! Charlie stop that's gross!"

J-"What's wrong."

M-"She is throwing up all over the car!"

I let out a big sigh and pulled over the car. The backseat looked worse than most murder scenes. It smelled horrible and there was vomit all over.

C-"sorry dada."

J-"It's not your fault, lets just clean this up."

M-"Dad unlock my door this smell is making me trow up."

Then Mac threw up all over me and Charlie threw up again. I needed to take them out of there so I just called Rosa. She helped me take them home and she watched them while I drove the gross vomit car back home. I tried cleaning it up a little but I ended up leaving. When I got home I found the nine-nine crew all sitting in my living room.

J-"What's going on here."

R-"You need help jake, seriously. And we are here for you to help you while Amy is gone. Captain Holt will help you manage your expenses. Gina will help you get your kids ready for school in the morning and she will organize a birthday party for charlie-"

J-"Gina! What are you doing here?"

G-"Rosa threatened me. I am so excited to help."

R-"Moving on, Terry's wife will cook your meals and Terry will make sure to take your kids to the hospital and their appointments. Hitchcock and Scully will clean up your van and or any other gross things. And finally, I will... I will be turning my house into daycare to watch your children after work and on Saturdays so that you can pull extra shifts."

J-"Thank you! And if you want I'll do your paperwork for a week."

G-"Don't worry jake you don't need to do my paperwork"

J-"You don't even work at the precinct Gina."

G-"Yes, I accept cash or credit card."

J-"Okay then."

H-"You know Peralta, Halloween is tomorrow."

J-"Wait isn't it like... September?"

H-"You really need to get a calendar."

J-"Oh yeah the heist! Could we like postpone it to thanksgiving?"

H-"I believe we could-"

R-"No Way! just because jake has two humans to take care of we don't need to ruin something we were planning for years."

T-"I'm with Rosa, every single heist I had kids and I was still able to participate."

J-"Come on guys! I love the heists! It's not fair that you get to do one and I have to wait a whole year."

H-"Peralta that's enough! we are doing the heist tomorrow."

J-"Okay then I'm not even coming to work."

H-"You can stay at home and cry all you want."

They all left and I started smiling, the heist officially started. And this year, the prize was ours.


Hey guys!! 

I know I took a while to update but I was planning out the next parts.

The next aprt is going to be my favourite yet! 

I LOVE the Halloween heist! 

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