Part 3

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Jake's POV:

A-"I talked to the head of the mission. She allows you to write one-page letters to me, which she will stick to inside my books. I can not respond to them and no-one will know if I ever read them. You can also send a picture of mac and charlie every other month."

J-"I'm gonna miss you."

A-"I'm gonna miss you too. Oh and one more thing, I have a binder in the kitchen that has all the names of people that offered to babysit, use that."

J-"Okay. I love you"

A-"I love you too, so much"

She hugged the kids and went into the van.

J-"So kids, what are we doing today?"


J-"Yeah I totally knew that."

M-"Dad its Wednesday."

J-"Ok then I will see you after school."


I walked them to school and went back to the precinct.

CH-"Peralta, I have a case for you."

J-"Captain Holt, what is it?"

CH-"Giggle pig is back on the streets. Rosa caught three perps with small amounts, we are hoping they will take us to the main suppliers. They have been there for hours but Rosa was not able to get them to talk. Maybe you can help her?"


I was in that interrogation room for hours, the perps just refused to talk.

J-"Terry can you pick up my kids? "

T-"Sure, I was about to get my baby girls anyway."

Our kids all went to the same school. It was a small private school a block away. It wasn't very expensive but as cops, we got a discount at this school. Rosa and I finished questioning the perps and we were able to get a couple of names. When I got back to the bullpen where I saw my kids with Terry.

T-"Jake I have some bad news."


T-"the school is closed for the week, a bunch of kids got sick and they just think it's safer to stay at home."

J-"No school?! that is amazing."

T-"Jake you are the parent now. No school is NOT good. It means that we have to stay at home and can't work."

J-"Or they can stay here with us and help us arresting bad guys."

T-"This is a POLICE precinct, and they are KIDS. I get that your son was born here but it is not a safe place for them."

J-"I think its the safest place for the kids. Think of it, we are surrounded by cops."

T-"Yeah and we have a holding cell full of criminals."

J-"But I just made a huge step on my drug case with Rosa, I need to continue investigating it."

T-"The only option is... The Night Shift."

J-"I am not doing the night shift, it's like taking a shot of depression. But... we could convince Captain Holt to give up his office."

T-"Are you sure we are talking about the same captain holt? He will never give up his office."

J-"He would, but first we need to annoy him into doing it."

T-"How are we?-"

J-"Just watch and learn. Ava, Mac, Leah, and charlie, I have a fun idea. Lets all play catch. Mac your up. No matter how many times we stay stop, you continue to run around the bullpen okay?"

T-"How is that going to work."

J-"Holt is going upstairs to give some documents in a few minutes. If this place looks like a playground, he will do something about it. Now we just have to pretend to be overwhelmed with work while trying to make them stop."

And our plan worked.

H-"Sargent Jeffords! Peralta! Why are your kids here?"

T-"Their preschool closed sir, and we have nowhere to leave them. My wife is working across the country this week and Cagney and Lacey are with her. Our babysitter only does nights so I can't leave them there either."

J-"As for MY kids, Amy is undercover, my mom's new boyfriend hate kids and I would rather have them in the holding cell than with my dad."

H-"Okay. We can give you one of the interrogation rooms for them."

J-"They are all full. We have a ton of drug dealers here today."

H-" What about the evidence lockup?"

T-"Sir, yesterday you asked Hitchcock and Scully to re-organize the files in there, that can take months."

H-"Yes, I remember. You can have my office then. Those animals must be caged. I will work at Sargent Jefford's desk."

He left the bullpen and Terry looked at me in amazement.

J-"How did we pull that off."

T-"He must really hate our kids."

J-"Now I really need to go, Rosa just got a warrant to search the dealer's apartment."

When I got back the night shift crew had already taken over 

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