Part 5

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Jake's POV:

On the next morning, after my brain had been adequately fried with paperwork, I went to pick up my kids from Holt's house. I was really looking forward to hearing Mac complain about Holt. The front door was open so I just walked right in. I must say I was shocked when I saw my super energetic children, calm. Charlie was watching some kind of documentary and Mac was... reading. 

H-"Hello Peralta. How was your night shift."

J-"How did you get Mac to sit there, reading?"

H-"Oh, after we played Chess, he asked me if he could read a book. I gave him '1984' and he seems to enjoy it."

J-"But... but... Mac reading?"

H-"Yes Peralta. I was actually pleasantly surprised by their maturity. I was expecting more energy since half of their genetic information came from.. you. But then again, half came from Santiago so perhaps they cancel each other out."

J-"Wait, is Charlie's hair... braided?"

H-"Yes, I did some research on 'toddler hairstyles' and I've come to find out that it is very intuitive. I would also like to add that you constantly exaggerate about your fatherhood duties. This was very simple."

J-"Well sir, if this was easy, then I guess I can leave them here again next week."

H-"That is fine by me."

J-"Okay I'm going now."

I took my kids home. They were silent most of the car ride until Mac spoke up.

M-"Dad? is Holt our grandpa?"

J-"I mean... sure."

M-"Is he your dad or mommy's dad?"

J-"That's hard. But you know who mommy's dad is right? Mr. Santiago?"

M-"I know who our Mimi is. It's your mom, daddy."

J-"Well you know those nights when we go have dinner with all these people who speak Spanish and are SUPER competitive?"

M-"Umm... like the time that they flipped the table?"

J-"Exactly, and by the way, that was a great moment. The older one, that is always smoking."

M-"Oh... 'angry pants'! I know him. Mason told me that he watches birds for fun."

I gasped. This was the reason I became a father.

J-"Mac. Did you invent a nickname for your grandpa?"

M-"He is my grandpa? eww, daddy."

J-"Who cares Mac. The point is, you used a nickname."

M-"Oh Mason, Matthew and me. We have funny nicknames for everyone. 'Boring Veggies." Because he is boring and veggies because he is gross. Matty told me he doesn't have a TV. How does he even watch cartoons?"

I was freaking out of happiness. This was probably the proudest I've ever been. My son was turning into a mini-me.

J-"Yeah, your uncle David. I love this so much, Mac continue please." 

M-"Oh and then there is 'sloppy Karen' this name was matty that invented. Sloppy because she gives gross spitty kisses. And Matty told me Karen means annoying and she is very annoying."

J-"That is your grandma dude. Mac, ever since your second birthday, when you ordered all your yous bt size, I thought you were going to be a nerd, just like your mom. But right now you just proved to the world that you are just like me. And I thought my humor came from trauma. Maybe it's genetic. Or... wait. Did you have a traumatizing experience?"

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