Part 6

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Terry's POV:

I was just eating my mid-morning yogurt when Jake entered the percent, basically dead. Charlie and Mac were running in front of him and he looked like he was just not okay.

T-"Hey Peralta, what's wrong?"


T-"Then why did you just sit on the ground?"

J-"Because I like the floor better."

T-"No Peralta, its because you are working day and night shifts, you need to rest."

J-"No Terry, I'm not tired. And Saturday is tomorrow up I'll just sleep in."

T-"Okay I'll let it slip but just this time. I have this new case for you."

I flopped the file into his desk while he got up and into his chair.

T-"Jake, if you need a break just go home."

J-"Terry I'm okay. Charlie didn't sleep well tonight but that's it."

T-"If you want I'll take your kids with me for the weekend. We are going to a cabin by the lake it has a waterpark nearby and I think your kids would love it."

J-"Terry I'm fine I don't need a break."

T-"Everyone needs a break, Peralta. My offer still stands, think about it."

And I went to check on the kids. When I came back to the bullpen Jake was gone. 

T-"Rosa where did jake go?"

R-"He just left to follow up on a lead."

I didn't think much of it until I got a call from the hospital telling me that Jake had been beaten up.

T-"Rosa watch my children, please. I need to go to the hospital and take McClane and Charlie with me."

R-"What happened to jake?"

T-"I don't know. He got beat up or something."

Jake's POV:

I was sitting in my hospital bed and I just wanted to go home to my family.

T-"Hey Peralta."

J-"Hi Terry."

T-"Once again you didn't listen to my advice and ended up hurt."

J-"when can I go home?"

T-"I don't know. But I decided I'm going to be taking your kids with me to the lake. I'll drop them off Sunday night."


T-"Jake you need to rest and I promise you they will have fun."


T-"Now we have to fill in this sheet so you can go home. What is your type?"

J-"Brunette, Latina, organized-"

T-"I was obviously talking about your blood type."

J-"Oh... umm... red?"

T-"Are you joking?"

J-"No I remember learning it in school the red blood cells and the white blood cells. Mine are red."

T-"This is pointless. Give me your phone I bet Amy keeps a digital binder in there."

Jake's POV:

When I finally was released from the hospital I went home with Terry and he packed a suitcase for my children.

T-"Jake can you come help me folding Charlie's clothes?"

J-"I'm busy Terry."

T-"Jake come on I'm doing you a favor, just help me out."

J-"And never find out how Doc Mc stuffing cures Lambie? No thanks."

T-"Sometimes I forget who I'm talking to."

M-"I'll help you, uncle Terry."

Amy's POV:

I was waiting for this letter to arrive. I missed my family. I read it and it made me tear up so much, probably the pregnancy hormones but still.

"Hi, mommy! We went on holiday with uncle Terry to a really fun place. There were a ginormous waterpark and a really fun playground. We played with Leah and with Ava and we went to a disco that had mickey mouse and Minnie. It played baby shark and Charlie danced it was so cute. Terry teached me how to do a push-up and its really hard. We hope you are having fun with uncle Charles! we miss you a lot mommy come back. we love you so so so much. Mac and charlie.

Jake's POV: 

I was watching disney when Mac and Charlie walked in looking very tanned.

C-"Dada Dada!"

J-"Hi girl."

M-"Dad guess what?"


M-"We brought chicken nuggets and fries for you."

J-"This is the reason I had kids 

*two hours later*

M-"Dad my head hurts?"

J-"Did Hitchcock and Scully talk about their casino idea again?"

M-"No dad it hurts like inside my head. Mommy always gives me medicine when my head hurts."

C-"Me too dada."

I didn't really know what to do so I just took them back to Terry's house.

T-"Jake I measured their temperature and your kids both have 104 fever."

J-"Yeah I know my kids are hot, I mean have you seen how gorgeous their parents are?"

T-"For once in your life take things seriously."

J-"What do I do?"

T-"Take them home, give them a spoonful of this medicine, give them plenty of fluids, take off their warm clothes and try and make them sleep. If tomorrow morning they still have a fever then call me again."

I kinda zoned out while he was talking and so I didn't really know what I had to do when I got home.

J-"Mac what did Terry say we had to do?"

M-"Umm he said to give us a spoon of medicine and then ice cream and cake and chocolate chip cookies."

I opened the freezer and looked for the Ice-cream

J-"I only have strawberry ice cream and oreos Mac."

M-"Then you should probably go to the store."

J-"Yes okay I'll do that."

Terry POV:

I was just enjoying some calm TV time before going to bed when someone knocked on my door.

T-"Jake what the hell are you doing here? "

J-"Can you open this for me?"

It was the childproof lid on the medicine. How did jake survive all these years without amy?


Sorry this part is really shitty but I just don't know what to write.

Also, I took a whole month to update and I promise that won't happen again.

If there are any typos I'm sorry but my auo correct just stopped working.

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