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The day after the party was pretty horrible. Nobody messaged me, not one.  I didn't realize it till it was late and I got no messages asking if a slept or eat today. But the thing is there was multiple chatrooms open today. Maybe I was just over thing it yea, I'm just over thinking it.

Soon I read my phone ringing it was seven. I smiled when I saw that he was calling me as I never had the confidence(*cough* hourglasses *cough*)  to actually call the other members.

"Hey, what going on oh so wonderful seven", I say jokingly into the phone.

"Nothing much oh beatiful 404, I just called to see if you were going to get some sleep. I saw you weren't really active in the chatrooms today."

"Oh yea I'm going to get some sleep soon, I was just about to get ready for bed soon",  I tell him.

I don't know why but I was filled with this weird warm feeling when he called me beautiful. I never have really felt this way before.

"Oh okay!  I hope you get some well deserved sleep soon mc! God 707 away! "
When the line goes dead I start to question myself, why did I feel warm when he called me that do I feel that with everyone else or just with him. Maybe the room just a bit warmer, yea that's it the room just got warmer.

I started to get ready for bed, and soon fell asleep in thw comfort of my bed

I soon find my self surrounded by everyone. Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, 707, Jumin, and even V.  They all looked anxious and seemed like they were waiting for someone. I walk over to them to make sure everything is okay. When they saw me, they all gained this look of confidence that shocked me. Soon Seven came over to me and went to start speaking.

"Mc. After all this time we spent with you. Laughing with you. Talking with you. Joking with you. And you showing us what it feels like to be cared for. We all came to the conclusion that were in love with you. We inderstand that you can only pick one of us, and that it will be hard. But we promise you we will always be by your side and care for you"

Im speechless I never thought that they loved me, my cheeks started to get warm. Soon they all looked over at me with worry. V started to talk

"Mc, " he looked at me with kind eyes as he started to wipe away my tears, " we need you to pick. Just do it now, please. "

My heart stopped, I couldn't pick one. My heart couldn't and wouldn't let me choose who I wanted to be with. Then I realized I loved them all. But I soon heard this annoying ring and they all started to dissolve.

I shot up out of bed and look at my alarm on my phone. Then I remember my dream and what it was about. I really can't believe I'm daying this but I love them all.

I need to tell them and just let them know how I feel, becuase if I never tell them it would hurt watching them fall in love with another. As I watch sadly never telling them how I felt. I gulped at that realization. I need to tell them and I need to tell them soon.

But I'm wondering who I should tell first, as well as how they would react. I need to prepare myself incase they reject me. No stop thinking like that mc, be positive what the worst that could happen if I tell them how I feel.

(A/n)  hello I know this chapter is short but I'm going writw in this as often as I can and make updates. I'll try to finish the next chapter tomorrow :)).

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