Welcome to Detention

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(Oh btw Lily Collins will be playing Lila)

Hi! I'm Lila Maverick, I am 16 years old and I dance. At the moment I am in the car with my mother who is going to drop me off at this wonderful school. Welp on to my story.

(Lila POV)

I have the headphones of my walkman on my head and over my ears drowning out the sound of my mother scolding me. Now I know what you are thinking 'Lila why are you ignoring your mom what did she ever do to you?' Well basically she and my father would force me to do many extracuricullars claiming that it would look good on my resume, but all it's done was stress me out which caused me to snap. But I snapped in the middle of a lecture in english class which caused me to be here. Suddenly my headphones are snatched off my head.

"Hey what the he-" I stop as I notice the glare my mother is giving me. "Don't you what the hell me young lady I am so dissappointed in you imagine how this will look on your permanent record! So just for this you will be walking home." I gape at my mother. "But-" "No buts just get out of my sight." I roll my eyes and I get out of the car. I roll my eyes as I see Claire Standish get out of her dad's car. I walk ahead of her and I notice that Brian Johnson walks out of his mom's car and Andrew Clarke gets out of his dad's car. "This should be stunning." I mutter to myself.

I walk in and sit in a seat at the table in the very front but on the left side. I notice Claire walk in and she givs a slight glare to me, I just glare back at her 100 times worse. She sits down, I see Brian walk in and sit behind Claire, then Andrew looks at Claire as if to ask if he can sit down. She gives a flirty smile and nods. I roll my eyes. 'Damn that girl flirts with whatever breathes.' I mutter to myself. I turn to grab my bag and I see John Bender at the door. I internally groan. 'Great this is even worse.' I think to myself. Then I see Allison Reynolds walk in, I don't know her well but I have a concious so I smile at her, she gives a shy one back. I turn around and see Brian sitting behind me, I smile and he smiles back.

Vernon walks in. 'Oh great.' I mutter to myself. "Well...well. Here we are! I want to congratulate you for being on time..." He is interrupted by Claire as she raises her hand. 'Oh great.' " Excuse me, sir? I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention, but...um...I don't think I belong in here..." I roll my eyes. "Suck it up buttercup." I say while rolling my eyes. She glares at me and I stick my tongue out at her. He doesn't seem to care as he just continues. "It is now seven-oh-six. You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here. To ponder the error of your ways..." Bender spits his saliva in the air and catches it, Claire looks as if she is going to gag and I smirk at him, I clap slowly. He notices and smirks at me then winks.

"And you will not talk." He continues giving a pointed look to Claire. "You will not move from these seats." I turn around and notice Brian moving back to his original seat, I smirk slightly. He goes over to Bender and snatches the seat from under his feet. "And you will not sleep." He goes back to the front of the library. "Alright people, we're gonna try something a little different today. We are to write an essay--of no less than a thousand words--describing to me who you think you are." He says while passing the papers out. Bender decides to speak up. "Is this a test?" He says. I snicker slightly. Vernon takes no notice to his antics. "And when I say essay...I mean essay. I do not mean a word repeated a thousand times. Is that Mr. Bender?" Vernon says looking right at Bender. "Crystal." He says.  "Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even--decide whether or not you care to return." Vernon continues. Brian stands up from his seat. "You know, I can that answer that right now sir...That'd be "No", no for me. 'cause..." He is interrupted by Vernon. "Sit down Johnson." Brian slowly sits down.  "Thank you sir." I snicker slightly. "My office is right across the hall. Any monkey business is ill advised. Any questions?" He asks looking at us. "Yeah I got a question." We all look towards Bender. "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?" He asks and I can't help but laugh out loud. Vernon turns to me. "That's another detention Ms. Maverick." I gape at him. I notice John smirking at me and I stick my tongue out at him. 

"I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender, next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns." He says then walks out of the library. "That man is a brownie hound." Bender says. "Couldn't agree more." I say and we all fall in silence. 

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