Screws fall out all the time

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(Lila POV)

'Oh shit.' I think to myself. Vernon storms in and I sit still. 'I can't get another detention I have a competition next Saturday, actually it's an overnight one so we go late so eh.' I think to myself. Vermin-Vernon walks into the library. "Why is that door closed?" He questions in anger. We all stay silent which made Vernon angrier. "Why is that door closed?" He questions angrier than before. "How're we s'posed to know? We're not s'posed to move, right?" Bender says. Vernon ignores his comment and he turns to Claire. 'Oh god Red is going to snitch on us.' I think in my head. "Why?" Vernon questions Claire. "We were just sitting here, like we were s'posed to..." I sigh in my head. 'Oh thank god.' I say mentally. Vernon turns to Bender. "Who closed that door?" He questions Bender. "I think a screw fell out of it." "It just closed sir." Andrew and Bender say at the same time. 

Vernon turns to Allison. "Who?" He questions her, she squeaks and slams her head on the table. I grimace as I hear her head hit the table. Vernon turns to Bender again. "Give me that screw." Vernon says coming up to our table. "You want me to yank you outta that seat and shake it out of you?" Vernon says getting angrier by the second. "I don't have it...screws fall out all of the time, the world's an imperfect place..." Bender says. 'Damn man that was pretty deep.' I think to myself. "Give it to me Bender." Vernon says. "This situation makes me convinced that you are a homosexual maniac. Besides why would he want to steal a screw?" I thought I thought to myself but guess I didn't. "That's next Saturday Ms. Maverick." Vernon says. I shrug slightly.

Vernon goes to the door with a folding chair. 'Pssh as if that's gonna work.' I think to myself. He tries and it slams shut. We all laugh quietly and I have to bite my bottom lip to refrain from laughing out loud. "God damnit!" Vernon exclaims again. Vernon walks into the library again.      "Andrew Clark...get up here. Come on, front and center, let's go." Vernon says as Andrew gets up.  Bender being his smart-ass self decides to speak up now. "Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy!" Bender exclaims. We don't pay attention to what Andrew is doing. "It's outta my hands." Bender says. I turn to him. "Was it ever in your hands sweetheart?" I questioned him as he smirks at me. I grab my sunglasses and I put them on my face as I lay my head against Bender's side. "That's very clever sir, but what if there's a fire? I think violating fire and the lives of children would be unwise at this junction in your career, sir." Bender says, I laugh quietly as Bender wraps his arm around my shoulder. 

"You know the school comes equipped with fire exits at each end of the library." Brian says pointing at each end of the library. Bender glares at Brian. "Show Dick some respect!" He exclaims to Brian which makes me giggle quietly. Vernon and Andrew come back to the center of the library and Andrew sits down in his original seat. "Let's go...go! Get back into your seat." Vernon says. "I expected a little more from a varsity letterman!" Vernon says looking mad.  He turns to Bender and since I am leaning into Bender's side I guess he is looking at me too. 

"You're not fooling anybody, Bender! The next screw that falls out is gonna be you!" Vernon says looking right at Bender. "Eat my shorts." Bender mutters under his breath but since I was so close to him I heard it. I decided to get up and lean back against my chair. 'Here we go again.' I say in my head. Vernon turns around and comes towards our table. "What was that?" He questions Bender. "Eat. My. Shorts!" Bender says louder and clearer. "You just bought yourself another Saturday, mister!" "Oh I'm crushed." Bender says with an eye roll. "You just got one more right there!" "Well I'm free the Saturday after that...Beyond that I'm going to have to check my calendar." "Good! 'Cause it's be filled, we'll keep goin'! You want another one? Say the word, just say the word! Instead of going to prison, you'll come here! Are you through?" Vernon continues. "No!" "I'm doing society a favor." "So?" "That's another one, now! I've got you for the rest of your natural born life if you don't watch your step! You want another one?" Vernon asks. There is a slight pause. "Yes!" Bender exclaims. 

"You got it! You got one, right there! That's another one pal!" Vernon says and I look to Bender worriedly. "Cut it out!" I say and Bender turns to me. 'Stop.' I mouth to him. "You through?" Bender turns back to Vernon. "Not even close bud." Bender says. "Good! You got one more, right there!"  Vernon exclaims. "You really think I give a shit?" Bender says. "Another..." Vernon says. "You through?" Vernon asks. "How many is that?" Bender questions but Brian answers. "That's seven including the one when we came in and you asked Mr. Vernon here whether Barry Manilow knew that he raided his closet." Brian says. "Now it's eight." He then turns to Brian. "You stay out of this." Brian looked baffled. "Excuse me sir it's seven." Brian says holding up seven fingers as if he's been counting, which he most likely has. "Shut up Peewee." I give a harsh glare to Vernon which he thankfully didn't notice. "You're mine Bender...for two months I gotcha, I gotcha." Vernon exclaims with false excitement. Bender flips his hair out of his face. "What can I say? I'm thrilled!" Bender spits out. Vernon glares at him as he says. "Oh I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to believe. You know something Bender? You ought to spend a little more time trying to do something with yourself and a little less time trying to impress people. You might be better off." Vernon then turns to all of us. "Alright, that's it! I'm going to be right outside those doors. The next time I hafta come in here...I'm cracking skulls!" I notice Bender mouth cracking skulls along with Vernon. Vernon soon leaves the library which makes Bender scream out. "FUCK YOU!" He then slumps into his seat and mutters to himself. "Fuck." He says.

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