Nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy

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(Lila POV)

We are all sitting here bored out of our minds. I notice Claire daydreaming which was very Claire like of her, Andrew is playing with the strings of his hoodie, Brian has a little problem involving his...lower region, and Allison was drawing. I look over at Bender who has a cigarette in his mouth which may I add was very hot. 'Wait what did I just...Oh nevermind.' I then lean back into my chair until I am lifted from my seat into someone's lap? I turn around and I see Bender smiling down at me with the cigarette in between his teeth, I return the smile.

I cuddle deeper into Bender's chest as I realize how tired I really am, soon I start to doze off and then I am asleep. 

(Time Skip)

I wake up after a bit and realize I am on the table next to Bender which makes my cheeks heat up a bit. "Wake up!" I hear Vernon exclaim but neither I or everyone else move. "Who has to go to the lavatory?" Vernon questions us. 'Ooh I really do.' I raise my hand along with everyone else.

I go to the restroom and I notice Claire doing her makeup as soon and I exit the stall. Claire gives me a glance and I giver her one. "I don't know what happened between us Claire, we were such good friends but you left." I say grabbing a paper towel to dry off my hands. "Lila-" She is cut off as I walk out of the restroom. I lean against the wall waiting for Allison and Claire to get out, as soon as they do Vernon rushes us back to the library. 

(Time Skip)

I am sat next to Bender on the railing, Andrew is stretching, Brian is standing by a pillar, while Bender is tearing out pages of a book. "That's real intelligent." Andrew says as Bender continues to tear pages out of the book. "You're's wrong to destroy literature..." He says as he continues to rip the pages out. He then turns over the book and look at the cover. "It's such fun to read...and, Molet really pumps my nads!" He says saying the name wrong. "Mol-yare." Claire and I correct at the same time, Bender gives a nasty look to Claire while he just stares at me, I can't read his emotions so I have no clue what he's thinking. Brian decides to speak up. "I love his work." Bender  takes the rest of the pages and throws them at Brian which didn't hit him...thankfully. 

Bender then starts to mess with the card catalogue while he motions for me to look at them. We both start taking them out, and throwing them. "Big deal...nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy.." Bender says continuing to throw the cards. "Speak for yourself." Andrew says. "Do you I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language!" Bender exclaims. Andrew stops then he turns to Claire and I. "Hey you grounded tonight?" I figured that the question was directed at Claire so I left it at that. Claire shrugs. "I don't know, my mom said I was but my dad told me to just blow her off." Claire says and I roll my eyes, Andrew then turns to look at both of us. "Big party at Stubbies, parents are in Europe. Should be pretty wild..." Andrew says. "Yeah?" Claire questions. "Yeah, can you both go?" He asks us. "I am available tonight but I don't really wanna go." I say while shrugging and Andrew gives me a questioning look. "Andrew I have to practice I have an out of state competition next Saturday." I say and he nods and looks to Claire. "What about you?" He asks. "I doubt it." She says. 'Oh joy.' I think to myself. "How come?" Andrew questions her. "Well 'cause if I do what my mother tells me not to do, it's because because my father says it's okay. There's like this big monster deal, it's and it's a total drag. It's like any minute... divorce..." She says and Bender steps in. "Who do you like better?" He questions her. "What?" She questions him. "You like your old man better than your mom?" He asks her again. "They're both strict." She says not fully understanding the concept. 

"No I mean if you had to choose between them." He says. "I dunno, I'd probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them a shit about's like they use me just to get back at each other." Claire says and suddenly Allison speaks up from the back. "HA!" I grin slightly at her as everyone else looks kinda frightened. "Shut up!" Claire exclaims. "You're just feeling sorry for yourself." Andrew said. "Yeah, well if I didn't nobody else would." She says and I step in. "Aw you're breaking my heart." I say and I hop off the railing. "Sporto." Bender says from behind me. "What?" Andrew questions as Bender hops down from the railing and stands next to me. "You get along with your parents? John asks him. "Well if I say yes, I'm an idiot, right?" Andrew asks with an eye roll. "You're an idiot anyway...But if you say you get along with your parents well you're a liar too!" Bender exclaims. Bender then walks away and Andrew follows and pushes him. 'Oh god just go grab your walk-man and don't get involved.' I think to myself. I go and grab my walk-man and I listen to music and I just see their lips moving and I just turn away from the fight and I drown myself in the sounds of David Bowie. 

(Time Skip)

After about 2 songs I turn and see Claire flip Bender off, this is when I decide to take off my headphones. "Oh...obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl!" Bender says and Claire fires back. "I'm not that pristine!" 'Claire is a literal nun, she is that pristine.' I think to myself. Bender goes down closer to Claire. "Are you a virgin?" He questions her and I look towards him. 'Oh lord.' "I'll bet you a million dollars that you are! Let's end the suspense! Is it gonna be... A white weddin'?" He asks her. "Why don't you just shut up?" Claire asks Bender. "Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth?" Bender asks. "Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, shoes off...hoping to God your parents don't walk in?" He asks and I think that it's enough I may not like Claire but still she is a human. "Bender just leave her alone!" I exclaim from my seat and Bender turns to me with a smirk on his face. 'Ah shit this can't be good.' I think to myself. "What about you sweets?" He asks walking over to my table. "Over the panties, no bra, blouse unbuttoned, Calvin's in a ball on the front seat past eleven on a school night?" He says slowly getting closer to my face and I put my hair in front of my face to hide the blush spreading across my face. "Leave them alone!" Andrew says. Bender doesn't move. "I said leave them alone!" Andrew shouts.  Bender moves and looks at Andrew. "You gonna make me?" He asks. "Yeah..." Andrew says then Bender walks towards him. "You and how many of your friends?" Bender asks him. "Just me, just you and me. Two hits. Me hitting you, you hitting the floor! Whenever you're ready, pal!" Andrew says, Bender goes to hit him but is taken down by Andrew with a wrestling move. The thud of Bender hitting the ground makes me gasp. "I don't wanna get into this with you man." Bender says which was really clear considering his face was smudged into the floor. "Why not?" Andrew says while standing up along with Bender. "'Cause  I'd kill you...It's real simple. I'd kill you and your fucking parents would sue me and it would be a big mess and I don't care about you to bother." Bender says while walking backwards.  "Chicken shit!" Andrew says and starts walking away. But then Bender takes out a switchblade and stabs it into a chair. "Let's end this now. You don't talk to don't look at them and you don't  even think about them! You understand me?" Andrew says to Bender. 

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