Fight! Fight! Fight!

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(Lila POV)

After they fought Bender speaks up. "I'm trying to help them." Bender says. I walk and I sit in my seat when I feel a presence next to me. I turn and see Bender, I send him a smile and he sends a smirk my way. Carl soon walks in. "Brian, how you doin'?" Carl asks. "Your dad works here?" Bender asks and I nudge him. "Uh, Carl?" Bender speaks up. "What?" Carl questions. "Can I ask you a question?" Bender questions. " Sure..." Carl says unsure. "How does one become a janitor?" Bender questions. "You wanna be a janitor?" Carl questions. "No I just wanna know how one becomes a janitor because Andrew here, is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts..." Bender says. "Oh, really? You guys think I'm just some untouchable peasant? Peon? Huh? Maybe so, but following a broom around after shitheads like you for the past eight years I've learned a couple of things...I look through your letters, I look through your lockers...I listen to your conversations, you don't know that but I do...I am the eyes and ears of this institution my friends. By the way, that clock's twenty minutes fast!" Carl says and then he turns to me. "Hey Lila." He says. "Hey Carl." I say. "Good luck at your competition." He says and I smile. "Thanks Carl." I say and he walks off. "Shit." Andrew says and I shake my head.

After a while Bender went back to his seat and I placed my legs on top of my table. After a while Mr. Vernon came in. "All right girls, that's thirty minutes for lunch..." Vernon says. "Here?" Andrew questions. "Here..." Vernon agrees. "Well I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir!" Andrew says. "Well, I don't care what you think, Andrew!" Vernon says and I smirk. "Uh, Dick?" Bender questions but stops as he realizes Vernon was giving him a pissed off look. "Excuse me, Rich...will milk be made available to us?" Bender questions. "We're extremely thirsty sir..." I say. "I have a very low tolerance for dehydration." Claire says. "I've seen her dehydrate sir, it's pretty gross." Andrew says. "Relax, I'll get it! Come on sweets." He says and I go and stand up. "Ah, ah, ah grab some wood there, bub!" Vernon says. "What do you think, I was born yesterday? You think I'm gonna have you roaming these halls? Especially not with Ms. Maverick." Vernon says. "You!" Vernon shouts pointing at Andrew. "And you! Hey! What's her name? Wake her! Wake her up" Vernon exclaims to Allison while pointing at her. "Come on, on your feet missy! Let's go! This is no rest home! There's a soft drink machine in the teacher's lounge. Lets go!" Vernon says and Allison stands up and follows Andrew out in the hall. 

After they leave Bender, Claire, Brian, and I go by the statue, I sit next to Claire as Bender and Brian sit in front of us. "Claire, wanna see a picture of a guy with elephantitus of the nuts? It's pretty tasty..." Bender says and I roll my eyes with a laugh. "No thank you..." Claire says. "How do you think he rides a bike?" Bender questions. "With a lot of difficulty I believe." I say and Bender smirks, but Claire rolls her eyes and turns away. "Oh, Claire...would you ever consider dating a guy like this?" Bender questions and I turn to her. "Can't you just leave me alone?" Claire says frustrated. "I mean if he had a great personality and was a good dancer and had a cool car...Although you'd probably have to ride in the back seat 'cause his nuts would ride shotgun." Bender says and I snicker. "You know what I wish I was doing?" Claire questions ignoring Bender entirely. "Op, watch what you say, Brian here's a cherry." Bender says. "A cherry?" Brian questions. "I wish I was on a plane to France." Claire says and I raise a brow at her. "Why France? Why not Italy?" I question and she turns to me with a shocked expression. "Well the culture is beautiful and the fashion is just-" Claire is cut off by Bender exclaiming loudly. 

"Oh, you and Claire, did it!" He exclaims and Claire and I turn towards them. "What are you talking about?" Claire questions. "Nothin', nothin!" Brian says to Claire but then turns to Bender. "Let's just drop it, we'll talk about it later!" Brian says to Bender. "No! Drop what, what're you talking about?" Claire questions growing angry. "Well, Brian's trying to tell me that in addition to the number of girls in the Niagara Falls area, that presently you and he are, riding the hobby horse!" Bender says and Claire and I look at him in disgust. "Little pig!" Claire exclaims to Brian. "No I'm not! I'm not! John said I was a cherry and I said I wasn't, that's it, that's all that was said!" Brian says. "Well then what were you motioning to Claire for? Oh I get it, you were motioning to Lila." Bender says and my eyes widen. "You know I don't appreciate this very much, Brian." I say. "He is lying!" Brian says. "Oh you weren't motioning to Claire or Lila?" Bender questions. "You know he's lying, right?" Brian says looking at us. "Were you or were you not motioning to Claire or Lila?" Bender questions. "Yeah, but it was only...was only because I didn't want them to know that I was a virgin, okay?" Brian says and Claire and I turn and smile. "Excuse me for being a virgin, I'm sorry..." Brian says. Claire and I then laugh. "Why didn't you want us to know you were a virgin?" Claire questions with a smile. "Because it's personal business, it's my personal, private business." Brian says. "Well Brian, it doesn't sound like you're doing any business..." Bender says and I give him a sarcastic smile. "I think it's okay for a guy to be a virgin..." I say. "You do?" Brian questions as Bender looks at me shocked. "Hell I even am one myself." I say and Claire smiles then nods at Brian. Brian then puts his head on his knees, not before sending Bender a smug look.

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