Starting A Family

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"It's time..."
"What?! Now?! I'm not ready!"
"Well how do you think I feel?"
"Right, right! Let's go!"

The birth was.....interesting to say the least. Mao Mao was panicking, Badgerclops was arguing with Snugglemagne about who was gonna be the godfather, Adorabat was forced to stay with her Dad, and (Y/N).....

She hasn't made a sound this whole time. After her water broke, (Y/N) has been seen but not heard.

"(Nickname)? Are you alright?"

(Y/N) tiredly looks toward Mao Mao, "So this is it," She giggles "The moment we've been preparing for." Mao Mao smiles at her. "We've been preparing for months and I'm still a wreck. I don't know how you do it." Mao Mao chuckles, kissing (Y/N)'s cheek. "Magic." She jokes before groaning in pain. "(Y/N)! Ah, where's the doctor!" Mao Mao yelps. "I'm coming, hold your horses!" Camille sighs, walking into the room. "Wait-she's a doctor?" Snugglemagne whispers to Badgerclops. "Barely..." Badgerclops whispers back. "Alright, get out! All of you!" Camille says shoving Badgerclops and Snuggmagne "You too." She says, pointing towards Mao Mao "But I'm the baby's father!" Mao Mao say. "Trust me, you don't wanna be in here." Camille chuckles "Wait-what?!" Both (Y/N) and Mao Mao yells as Mao Mao's shoved out the room. Camille gives (Y/N) a huge grin "Now let's get started." Camille laughs...

~Time Skip~

Mao Mao clutched his cape nervously and watches Badgerclops and Snugglemagne fight "How can both of you be thinking about this right now?!" Mao Mao snaps "Dude, chill." Badgerclops says "Chill?! My wife is giving birth right now and I can't even be in there to hold her hand!" Mao Mao yells, gripping his ears. "Oh my he's really intense right now..." Snugglemagne whispers. Badgerclops was about to make a joke when (Y/N)'s blood curdling scream fills the area. "(Y/N)?!" Mao Mao gasps "Wow, I've never heard her scream like that..." Badgerclops says. A few minutes later, Camille walks in front of Mao Mao "How's (Y/N)? Is she ok?! Is our baby ok?!" Mao Mao asks. "Calm down," Camille says sternly before smiling softly "Both (Y/N) and the baby are fine. In fact, (Y/N) wants to see you right now." Mao Mao feels his heart swell as he stands.

This is it.

"I finally get to meet my baby." Mao Mao chuckles nervously as he opens the door. "Hey Mao..." (Y/N) says tiredly "Ready to meet our baby?" Mao Mao nods "So what did we have?" Mao Mao asks "We had a baby boy." (Y/N) says with tears of joy pouring down her face. (Y/N) moves the blanket and Mao Mao gasps. The baby had his blacks ears, his black tail, the baby's left eye was green while the right eye was (Eye Color), his skin was (Skin Color), and the baby had (Hair Color) hair "(Y/N), he's beautiful." Mao Mao says, wiping tears. "He is. What should we name him?" (Y/N) asks, look away from the baby. "Hm, I like Parker." Mao Mao says "Parker?" (Y/N) asks, tilting her head "I've always liked that name. I don't know why, I just do." Mao Mao chuckles "Parker it is!" (Y/N) beams.

~A Few Months Later~

The sounds of crying fill (Y/N) and Mao Mao's home. Luckily for Adorabat and Badgerclops, (Y/N) and Mao Mao moved out after they got married. "I got it." (Y/N) yawns, getting out the bed, but Mao Mao grabs her wrist "You need to rest, I'll get Parker." Mao Mao says, kissing (Y/N) cheek and gently shoving her back down. "Mao Mao you have work in the morning..." (Y/N) sighs. "And you'll be taking care of Parker all day." Mao Mao says, walking out the room.

(Y/N) smiles and rolls over on her side before whispering quietly to herself

"We really do have a perfect little family."

(COMPLETED) Mao Mao x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora