Small, Smaller, and Tiny (Part 3)

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Mao Mao looks at me with panic in his eyes. "Time for what?!" Parker asks nervously. "Uh...time for you to meet your baby brother or sister." Badgerclops says awkwardly. "Mama's gone into labor?!" Parker yells.

Everyone looks at him surprised. "What?! I read books so I could be a good big brother." Parker says, shrugging. "Camille and Honey went on vacation! You're 3 months early!" Mao Mao says, panicking. "Well I'm sorry if YOUR child is impatient." I growl. I didn't mean to sound harsh, but this hurts!

Mao Mao drags me to the aerocycle "Come on, I'll take you to the hospital in the other town!" Mao Mao yells "Dude that's like 1 hour away if you take the aerocycle!" Badgerclops calls. "How else are we gonna get there!" Mao Mao yells, helping me on the aerocycle "I can take you two there..." I hear Shin say. Mao Mao and I look at him. Mao Mao growls and wraps his arms around me "Nuh uh! You're not touching (Y/N)!" He hisses, pressing our faces together. "Moo-I mean-Mao Mao, son...I want to be a better father and a better grandfather." Shin pleads. Mao Mao tenses and stares up at Shin. Are they completely forgetting that I'm in labor?

"Just let him help, Daddy!" Parker says before glaring at Shin "Listen, I still don't like you, but Mama's in pain. And you the only who can get her there fast enough. If anything bad happens, I'm gonna attack you." I think I saw Mao Mao grin at Parker for a split second. "O-ok, smaller one..." Shin says nervously before bending down "Hop on!" Shin says. Mao Mao, Parker and I hop on Shin's shoulders (A/N: Don't ask how that worked, he folded the shoulder blades like airplane wings...)

~Time Skip~3rd Person~

Mao Mao sit next to Parker in the waiting room. Shin walks into the room, but without his amour. Parker leaps up from his sit "Wait! You're smaller than Daddy! Are you serious dude?!" Parker yells "Parker..." Mao Mao warns. Parker huffs and sits back down, pouting a little. "I....I didn't want to break the door." Shin says, rubbing the back of his neck "You didn't have to stay, Dad." Mao Mao sighs, looking away from him "I wanted to stay, I told you that I wanted to be a part of your life again..." Shin sighs. Parker scoffs "How come you want to be in our lives NOW?" Parker growls. Mao Mao ruffles Parker's hair and look towards Shin "He's right. You've never really cared about me, why are you deciding to care now?" Mao Mao asks. "Son," Shin sighs sadly "Do you remember when I first came visit-uh-whatever the little town is called?" Mao Mao nods and Parker mumbles "Pure Heart..." "I remember seeing you out there, fighting that beast. I was so proud. Then a few months later, your mother told me about (Y/N). And I thought she wasn't right for you, but I was clearly wrong." Shin says "But that was years ago." Mao Mao states, crossing his arms "I know, I know. I've been with your sisters, I'm sorry." Shin says, looking away. Mao Mao rolls his eyes.

"It's fine, I'm use to it now." Mao Mao says with a shrug. Shin frowns before standing up "I want to be a better father, but only if you'll let me. Please son, give me a chance to turn it all around." Shin begs. Mao Mao sighs and look his father in the eyes. Shin and Mao Mao stare at each other for a moment. Parker looks back and forth between the two. Mao Mao lets out a sigh "Ok..." He says quietly. "What?" Shin asks as he eyes widen "I am going to forgive you THIS time, but mess up again and I will never talk to you again." Mao Mao warns. Shin nods and Parker stands up and walks up to Shin "If Daddy trusts you then I trust you too...I guess..." Parker huffs.

A nurse walks up to the three boys "Um are you the Mao family?" She asks. "Yes we are, is everything ok with (Y/N)?" Mao Mao asks, standing up "Everything is great," The nurse beams "She gave birth to a healthy baby girl." A wide smile makes it's way to Mao Mao's face. Parker cheers "Yay, I get to have a baby sister!" He squeals "You wanted to have a baby sister?" Shin asks, raising an eyebrow "Yeah, I didn't really care if it was a boy or girl. I'm gonna teach her how to fight either way! And she'll cool just like me and BC!" Parker says before striking a heroic pose. Mao Mao chuckles at him before looking back at the nurse "Can we see (Y/N) and the baby?" Mao Mao asks. The nurse nods "Follow me." She says gently. Mao Mao pulls out his phone and sends a message to Adorabat.


"It's a girl." Adorabat squeals "Ha! Pinky owes me 15 dollars!" Badgerclops cheers. Adorabat rolls her eyes "Do you want to go see them?" She asks "Yeah, let's go." Badgerclops says, pausing his game.

~Back to Mao Mao~

Parker was the first one in the room "Hi Mama! You ok? Where's the baby? Why'd it take so long?" He asks. (Y/N) chuckles at all his questions. "Hi. Yes, I'm fine. The baby's in the bed over there. And it took even longer for you to be born." (Y/N) replies calmly. Mao Mao walks up to (Y/N) "You did a good job, (Y/N)." Mao Mao says softly, placing his warm paw on her cheek. (Y/N) laugh "I'm so tired!" She says weakly. Shin walks up to the baby's bed and stares down out her "Have you thought of a name yet?" Shin asks quietly. (Y/N) glances at Mao Mao confused and Mao Mao smiles at her and nods "We liked the name Mamoru." (Y/N) says, Shin looks at the couple "Why Mamoru? Not that there's any problem with that name." Shin says calmly "It's Japanese for protect," Mao Mao explains "Our daughter will know every time she hear her name that we'll protect her no matter what!" Shin smiles at us a little. "Mama! Daddy! BC and Adorabat are here!" Parker cheers. hopping up and down. Mao Mao shushes him "You gotta be quiet, remember? Mamoru is sleeping." Mao Mao says gently "Right....sorry Daddy." Parker whispers.

~A few hours later~

Adorabat squeals at Mamoru "Does this mean that I finally get to babysit?!" She asks happily "Ask again when you're 15." (Y/N) chuckles before glancing at Shin. He was standing in the corner awkwardly. "Hey Shin, you wanna hold you're granddaughter?" (Y/N) calls from where she sat on the couch. Shin looks surprised and so does Mao Mao for a second, but Mao Mao smiles nonetheless "Yeah, come on Dad. You didn't get to hold Parker." Mao Mao says. Shin smiles as small tear fills his eyes. He quickly blinks them away and walks up to (Y/N) "Wait-he gets to hold Mamoru, but I don't?! That's not fair!" Badgerclops pouts. "You dropped Parker!" Mao Mao scoffs "Wait what?" Parker says, looking away from the TV. 

"Don't worry about it, Mini Mao..." Badgerclops laughs nervously. 

(Y/N) and Mao Mao roll their eyes. Shin gently takes Mamoru into his arms. "She's so tiny..." Shin whispers, Mamoru looks up at Shin and giggles. Everyone, but Parker and Adorabat, smile at the sight (They were playing video games). Mao Mao tugs on (Y/N)'s arm and leads her out the living room.

"We made it through another pregnancy." Mao Mao chuckles, kissing (Y/N)'s cheek "Yep! I'm not going through that for another 6 years." (Y/N) laughs before saying her last sentence with a serious tone "Understood." Mao Mao chuckles before kissing her softly. "I'm proud of you forgiving Shin." (Y/N) says, playing with his ears. Mao Mao smiles and looks away from her "Yeah me too." He says quietly.

"I'm not small anymore. I'm a hero and dad now."

(COMPLETED) Mao Mao x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now