The Years of Freedom and Training

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Soon the group were taken to the Order of Merlin's Central Headquarters in Africa. The continent barely had any nations there so it was the prefect hideaways. Also due to barely nations, and the people there were for Potion Ingredient gathering, Herboloists, Crafters and people who came for freedom. The laws there were quite different.

For example, in replacement of Aurors and Governments were the Order of Merlin. They upheld society order with the few laws in placed and they kept the economy and people in a stable balance.

So the Main Headquarters of the Order was actually a massive city but most of it was underground. There were many people of all types who lived there and conversed. The few laws didn't ban any type of magic or advancement. So Muggle technology was taken in and upgraded with and engineered by Techonancers who would have been disgraced in many places of Europe. Especially Britain. The city was indeed advanced but it was made by natural resources and great architects. Both Muggle and mundane. Also all types of cultures and freedom of speech was allowed. The Order focused on creating certain laws that protected and empowered the people who lived under them unlike Britain who created the laws as power plays and discrimination.

Also unlike Britain, a law that the people placed with Order was that everyone had to be partnered with a group of people or pack to live with. This opened many inherited creature mages, mystic souls, Veelas and even Werewolves were openly welcomed. Gringotts also had rival banks in Africa due to this. But there were only two banks that were up to the challenge. To which they boomed with success by many of the freed ex-discrimated people of the place. Seriously the Britain Ministry has most of its large and extravagant budget by taking most of the second class citizens' hard workers and earned money.

Packs could be up to hundreds of people to 5 people. There were also ranks listed within a pack. Alphas, Betas, Deltas and Omegas. This pack law create a magic where everyone held a secondary gender and those genders mixed with their creature magic. So much so that it just became apart of the people.

So the Order created a method for people who are immigrating or joining the order to receive their genders.

How these Genders work(yes I added omegaverse):

Alphas: Strongest Secondary Genders with Omegas, have the power of command the other genders(Alpha Voice, very hard to not to listen to unless also Alpha), can only impregnate others that are not other Alphas(no matter first gender), also goes into rut every three months (starts at ages of 9 and older), holds strong and powerful scent glands, known to be in touch with magic core, can sense auras of people, hold the ability to read minds, also in the rare few of Alphas are known to gifted with a special unqiue ability that they only have(those gifted have a mark on their faces right underneath their eyes.

Ginny and Neville = Alphas

Deltas: Dual Genders, meaning that they have at least two secondary genders. They can impregnate and become pregnant(no many secondary and first genders), known to have unique abilities only to themselves, holds a the power of Voice of Reason(able to hold people's emotions in check magically and literally to calm or reason with them), hold animal(magical or mundane) characters with creature (like animal senses or physical parts of body). Also hold scent glands but based on creatures for power and can tell anyone's emotions by looking them in the eye.

George and Luna = Deltas
George holds Acromantula like characters and is able to summon spider legs on back with senses(Alpha + Beta)
Luna holds Threstral like characters, is able to summon wings on back and turn invisible but only to those who haven't witnessed death with senses(Beta + Omega)

Betas: hold no scent glands, can breed with other betas(no matter first gender) and Alphas, cannot breed with Deltas or Omegas, can sense auras, able to read minds and emotions, insanely heightened sense of smell and sound, can track anyone with tracking skills built within them with their special Tracking Sight, Able to turn themselves invisible to almost anyone(not even using magic can someone reveal them: only an other Beta or Delta can), also can sense and see one's souls and use Soul Magic

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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