Chapter 2. Her savior

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"It wasn't easy for me Iwa-chan, you know that?! Why does he act like that?! I didn't do anything, did I?", (Y/n) howled at Iwaizumi, once far away from the gym.

"I know that it wasn't easy for you, you-"

"Exactly! I did not want to consider falling in love with a fake facade! To fall in love with Oikawa Tooru?! I didn't! And you told me, Iwa-chan, you told me that he isn't always fake and rude! I started talking to him?! Why won't he talk to me?!", she interrupted him, feeling her eyes being filled with salty tears.
Iwaizumi had no idea how to respond to everything she had told him, he just patted her back as a sign of comfort.
She was right. She didn't want to get close to Oikawa, at first she ignored him completely, not even sparing him a single glance. She was sure that once she would open up a little more to him, she would, with no doubt and in an instant, fall in love with Oikawa.
She didn't want to have feelings for a fake facade, he was faking his smiles, it wasn't his true character, he was always happy, always so kind, it drove her nuts. She was in no favor of letting her heart get broken by something, by a facade, that wasn't even real.
So she did everything to avoid him, it wasn't very hard, due to him ignoring her, too. She was happy the way it was, until one time, she nearly got to know the real him.
The real Oikawa Tooru.
It was one time where she heard yells coming from the male gym, it was really late and Iwaizumi's voice caught her attention.

"If you get hurt then everything will be pointless! Go stretch, you dumbass!"

"Iwaizumi, I can't loose to Ushijima!", she heard Oikawa's usually enthusiastic voice now cold as he shouted. She didn't understand what he meant, Oikawa was the best setter she knew, she heard many things about his tosses and serves and although she had only seen him play one time, he seemed to be on an higher level than anyone she knew.
Oikawa Tooru was in fact a very talented setter, he analyzed his team and his opponents, knowing their weaknesses and trying to improve everything. He was the perfect setter, good at everything.
But he wasn't gifted. Volleyball was his passion, he wanted nothing more than to be the best setter, he did everything to archive his goal.
He was hardworking.
He had no natural aptitude for volleyball, his skill came from his hard work, his blood, his sweat and his tears.
He aspired to be the best, his cunning nature making him work harder than everyone else on his team.
That was who he was, a hardworking, hopeless dreamer.
He was broken.

"I don't know why he acts like that.", Iwaizumis voice interrupted her thoughts and her flash back.

"It's okay, Iwa-chan.", she reassured him. They walked home together, the silence was unbearable and once (Y/n) got to her house, she hugged Iwaizumi goodbye and went inside.
Her mind was full of thoughts regarding the Grand King, it made her want to throw up and no matter how hard she tried to figure him out, she didn't understand his way of acting.
She felt sorrow thinking about him, she knew that he was the perfect one for her, his cheerful self, his charm. He was everything she ever wanted and more, but she knew that he didn't think of her like that. She knew that she would fall in love with him, his fake character, but he would not even look at her.
And she was right.
She fell in love with the Oikawa everyone loved, the King everyone craved, the King everyone needed. She fell in love with his fake attitude, but she fell in love with the broken male, behind the facade, too. The hardworking, Oikawa Tooru. He was sad, he needed someone and still he wouldn't show how hurt he had been, just not to be a bother to anyone.
He truly was one of a kind.

"Wow, (Y/n), why are you so pretty today?", Suki asked her the next day at school. Seijohs (s/c) splendor, was a graceful girl everyday, everyone looked at her, but that day, she looked even more stunningly gorgeous. She wore her uniform with more accessories, a little more makeup, her (h/c) hair done perfectly to accomplish her gracious face.
That day she wanted to show Oikawa what he had missed and what he could have had. Her captivating beauty attracted all eyes on her, all attention to her and of course the Grand King's attention.
How is she so beautiful? Was all he was thinking, seeing her walk by, all her fanboys were screaming trying to get autographs and fotos with her. The beauty was a very successful setter, playing in some nationals, so it was a rather common thing. She competed with the handsome male.

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