Have You Fallen For Me Yet? (One Direction Fan Fiction)

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My mom used to say that if you love someone, set them free. I never thought that the day would come when I would have to do it. I used to think that it was just another silly quote that I would read on the internet but after everything that I've been through this past month , I guess it's safe to say that it's time to follow my mom's wise words.

I'm all alone in my room. Mindlessly looking out the window. I sit quietly as my lips begin to shake and the tears silently flow down my cheeks. I felt myself getting closer to breaking down. So, eventually I did. It was a cathartic release. My shoulders shook and my hands were trembling as I buried my face in them.

I start throwing things, in an attempt to at least make what I'm feeling right now go away. But it didn't. After minutes of throwing and trashing almost everything in my room, my knees buckled and I fell down on my floor. My hands were stinging and blood was dripping from where the shards of glass hit my palms when I threw a vase to my wall.

But it still couldn't compare to the pain and emptiness I've had to suffer for the past four weeks. No, nothing could compare to it. I lift my hand and let my fingers graze the necklace on my neck that had a ring on it. I stopped wearing on my finger, the day that I realize that I couldn't change what happened. That there was no turning back anymore.

I laughed. A bitter and humorless laugh. Why am I crying? I don't deserve to cry. I did this to myself. I did this to us. It's too late for regrets. I just have to accept it because I'm tired of trying, I'm tired of lying, I know I've been smiling but inside I'm dying.

And most importantly, I'm tired of waking up every morning and wondering..

Have you fallen for me yet?

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