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My eye twitches when I see the new company, I'll be honest it's small. This is where Malone transferred me too? When we arrived everyone is standing in a straight line waiting for Anick, and this place is worse than hell. I stood by the entrance as Anick starts walking and inspecting everyone as they stand in a perfectly straight line. I cross my arms in annoyance as Malone doesn't do this. Well, I guess he does but in a different way. Anick makes it to the end before turning around facing me, and I just gave him an annoyed glare.

"Burks!" Anick yells suddenly.

Someone steps up from the line and yells back yes sir, and I squint my eyes at them as their voice sounds weird. Anick tells them to show me around and that they are in charge of me in the meantime. I mumble incoherent words under my breath as everyone else has been dismissed. Everyone left but Burks and I and to be honest I don't even want to be here. Burks stands in front of me in a gray t-shirt and navy blue slacks. He's wearing a black cap that's covering most of his face but I don't really care, he's probably ugly like Erick.

"Stand tall soldier!" Burks barks at me.

"What's wrong with your voice? Why is it so high and don't order me around." I tell him bitterly.

"You have a problem with how we do things around here? You're in General Anick's company now soldier! Things aren't going to be the same here." He snarled at me.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I growled.

"I'm the one who was put in charge of you Mr. Lazy Grumpy Pants!" He snarled again.

I grit my teeth together as I ripped off his cap and my eyes widen when I realized that he isn't a he at all but she? What? Well, that explains the high voice now. I realized feeling dumb. I step away from her as I dropped the cap realizing I'll be taking orders from a girl. A small slender petite girl with a pixie cut black hair and blue-green eyes. It explains why I first thought she was a guy, her hair is short and she covered it up by her cap. I have no idea why but it's stupid and her cap is stupid.

"Do you feel better throwing my cap on the ground?" Burks asks picking her cap from the ground.

"No actually. I feel insulted knowing you're a girl and supposedly in charge of me." I say snippily.

"What's that supposed to mean? What's me being a girl has to do with anything?" Burks asks insulted.

" It's bad enough I've been transferred and now Anick expects me to take orders from tiny tot?" I ask bitterly.

"Excuse me? I happen to be 5'5 inches tall and I'm the best rescuer here! It's why General Anick picked me to be in charge of you! You're just a screw up who doesn't care about anybody but himself!" Burks yells defending herself.

"Well excuse me, and what kind of name is Burks for a girl anyway?" I ask annoyed.

"Burks so happens to be my last name, you dumb idiot!" She hisses at me.

"I'm not a dumb idiot. I happen to be very smart, but I just hate being a fucking rescuer." I straight out said.

"Yeah huh sure. Now follow me before I strangle you." Burks says turning on her heel.

"Whatever." I mumble.

The sooner I get out of here the better. I follow Burks annoyed as I try to think of ways to make Anick fire me. It's better if I'm not a rescuer anyways because even if I did try I wouldn't be good at it. I look around the base and notice that there aren't that many cabins around. There's a lot of tents around though, and people training to save people from danger. I roll my eyes as I look down at my feet, and notice one of my ties are slowly coming undone. I shrug as I look away and back up to see that Burks pointed towards a longer cabin. Burks tells me that's where we eat our meals every morning and night, and that breakfast is at 5:30 in the morning.

The Terrible Soldier Where stories live. Discover now