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I glanced between Ian and back to him as I couldn't believe this. He still looks the same from the last time I saw him, which I don't even remember when I last saw him. He glared at the both of us with his blue eyes, but something in them didn't seem right. They looked odd and almost power hungry, but his dirty blond hair is still the same. I'm not sure where he got the black outfit or why he's here or how he got fire ability. This concerns me to a whole new level, and I knew it wasn't just my brother that's been stealing abilities. It's him too. I don't know if it was always him, but my brother is afraid of him so maybe he's powerful than him? I don't understand, he seemed so nice back at the base, and I didn't suspect him. I actually suspected Anick, but never him. I thought confused. This is all too much. I thought maybe he was my friend, because he was trying to become my friend. It was all a lie.

"Good to see you again Lewis." He snarls and I noticed that his voice sounded deeper and raspier.

"You-you wait-ar-are you behind this?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Why yes I am. I surprised you didn't see it coming Lewis. I mean, you barley saw me there at the base." He chuckles with a smirk.

"Why are you doing this? Why Jeff?" I growled.

"It's simple really. Everyone knew about you hating who you are, and I never understood that. I mean having the ability to fly? What's better than being able to fly around wherever you wanted? Until one day I flew past a couple of people who were using different abilities. One had wind, and another had water. I had to stop and think to myself, and wondered what it would be like to be able to control the wind and water as well." Jeff explains to me with a cackle.

"So, you decide to steal it from them?" I hiss.

"It was the only option." Jeff tells me with a smirk.

"This is wrong! How did my brother get mixed into this sick game of yours?" I growled at him.

"He was easy to deceive, considering he was already depressed about you." Jeff cackles again.

I glanced over at Ian again which he looks away from me. I took a deep breath as I can't let him hurt anyone else, and I can't let him hurt my brother. He's not the mastermind behind this, who would've thought. I'm glad that he wasn't the one who started all of this. I then remembered how Anick died and look over at Jeff. Oh my god! It wasn't Ian, it was him! I realized with widen eyes. I pointed an accused finger at Jeff as I narrowed my eyes at him darkly.

"Your the one who murdered Anick, not Ian." I growled lowly.

"Guilty." Jeff says his eyes sparkled with a murderous glint.

"It makes sense now." I say angrily as I glare at him, "Nobody understood how or why an earthen would come onto our base just to kill our general. It makes sense. It wasn't an earthen, it was you with an earthen ability."

"Wow! Figured that out quick." Jeff tells me sarcastically.

I grit my teeth as I want to charge at him so badly, but remembered that I'm severely injured. Thanks a lot Ian. I thought annoyed. I then realized something else, well it's not new but maybe now I have a source to the why now. I glance towards my brother remembering that his eyes would turn black from time to time, and I'm not sure if he's faking it or not but it seems like he blackouts from them. I turn back towards Jeff with a hard glare as he smirks back at me, and like he knew what I was thinking he turned towards Ian.

"Had any blackouts lately Ian?" Jeff asks smirking.

"I-I uh I-" Ian stutters which shocks me as I look back over at him.

"So you do know about him having these weird blackouts." I say lowly as Ian glances over at me.

"Of course. I'm the reason he's having them." Jeff says smirking.

The Terrible Soldier Where stories live. Discover now