Blow Us All Away + Stay Alive (Reprise) {Ellie, Lena, Elijah, and Zoe}

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I m  s o s o r r y-)
Again Elijah belongs to KofiWriter)

"Meet the latest graduate of King's College!" Ellie shouted as she spun down the sidewalk, snapping her fingers. "I probably shouldn't brag but, dag, I amaze and astonish."

She flipped her hair as she winked at a few ladies. "The scholars say I got the same virtuosity brain as my pops." Ellie watched as the same ladies would blush, throwing them finger guns. "The ladies say my brain's not where the resemblance stops."

" I'm only nineteen, but my mind is older. Gotta be my own girl, like my father but bolder. " She put her hands on her waist. "I shoulder his legacy with pride! I used hear him say, that someday, I would -"

"Blow Us All Away!"

Ellie approached the ladies from earlier, giving them a warm smile. "Ladies, I'm looking for a Mrs. Lena." She narrowed her eyes. "Her father made  a speech last week and she herself disparaged my father's legacy in front of a crowd." Ellie huffed. "I can't have that, I'm making my father proud. "

The one girl smiled and nodded, pointing in a certain direction. "I saw her just up Broadway a couple of blocks.  She was going to see a play."

" Well, I'll go visit her box. "

The second girl rolled her eyes and chuckled as she looked at Ellie. "God, you're a fox...."

Ellie smiled. "And y'all look pretty good in ya' frocks." She leaned in towards the two girls, whispering. "How about when I get back, we all strip down to our socks?~"

" okay! " Both exclaimed, watching as Ellie walked away.

"Blow Us All Away!"

" Lena! " Ellie shouted, angrily shaking Lena by the shoulder. Lena waved her off.

"Shh." She hissed, putting a finger to her lips.

"Lena!" Ellie repeated, glaring at Lena, who turned around. In slight anger, she glared at Ellie. Ellie glared back, three times as angry.

"Shh. I'm trying to watch the show."

"Should've watched your mouth before you talked about my father though!"

Lena raised and eyebrow, then smirked. She fully faced Ellie, crossing her arms. "I didn't say anything that wasn't true. Your father's a scoundrel...." Lena looked her up and down. "..And so, it seems, are you."

Her friends let out a soft "ooooooooh".

" It's like that?! " Ellie glared daggers at Lena, who chuckled, her bright green eyes standing out against her tan face, appearing to be enjoying this.

"Yeah I don't fool around." Lena stated, waving her hand up and down at Ellie. "I'm not your little schoolgirl friends." She scoffed .

"See you on the dueling ground. That is, unless you want to step outside and go now!" Ellie shouted, pointing at the door.

"I know where to find you, piss off." Lena sat back down. "I'm watching this show now. Shh."

"Dad! If you had only heard the shit she said about you! I doubt you would have let it slide!" Ellie shouted as she stormed into her father, Elijah Rei's office,throwing her coat to the side. "I was not about to!"

Elijah looked up upon hearing the door slam open, listening to his daughter's ranting. His glasses were askew, and he was exhausted, but understood, replying with a, "slow down".

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