Dead Girl Walking [Brook & Seth]

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I'm so fucking sorry.

I don't know if that was to me or the person reading this//

"The demon king of high school has decreed it." Brook mumbled, hopping into different yards and walking around. "He says monday, 8AM, I will be deleted..."

"They'll hunt me down in study hall, stuff and mount me on the wall. Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?" Brook pondered the thought, sighing as he did so.

"I don't have to stay, and die like cattle." Brook paused his walking for a moment, perking right up. "I could change my name and ride up to Seattle...."

He then frowned.

"But I don't own a motorbike."

"Wait..." Brook had looked up to realize he was in Seth's backyard. He slowly smirked, walking up to the back of the house, eyeing the second floor window, which led to the same room of which Seth was sleeping in.

"Here's an option that I like." 

"Spend these thirty hours....getting freaky!"

(*Silently bangs head on keyboard* r45tr5ed4tr5tr5)

"Yeah!" Brook got closer to the house, looking at the tree next to the window. He started climbing it. "I need it hard, I'm a dead boy walking! I'm in your yard, I'm a dead boy walking...."

"Before they punch my clock, I'm snapping off your window lock." Brook fiddled with the lock on Seth's window, and after a small amount of struggle, managed to snap it clean off, opening the window wide. "Got no time to knock! I'm a dead boy walking..."

Seth had woken up, having heard the breaking of his window lock. He sat up, looking at Brook who walked over, still smirking slyly. He got on Seth's bed, a resemblance of drunken lust on his face.

Brook crawled on top of Seth. "Sh...Sorry, but I really had to wake you..see I decided I must ride you till I break you..."

Seth slowly turned bright red, opening his mouth to ask why when Brook put his index finger to Seth's lips, shushing him.

"You're my last meal on death row." Brook would slide down Seth, until his face was at the very edge of his pants.  He pushed himself back up, putting his face close to Seth's. "Shut your mouth, and lose them tighty-whities!"

Seth just stared in utter shock and confused, not moving even after Brook started to straddle him, shouting, "Come on!"

He grinned. "Tonight I'm yours, I'm your dead boy walking!"

Seth leaned up eagerly to kiss Brook, who grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him against the mattress. "Get on all fours, kiss this dead boy walking!"

"Let's go, you know the drill."

Brook leaned in close, close enough Seth could feel his warm breath.

"I'm hot,"

Brook would sit up.

"and pissed,"

He tore Seth's shirt off.

"And need my fill."

Brook tore off his own shirt, tossing it to the side.

"Bow down to the will of a dead boy walking..." He would trace up and down a finger along Seth's abs, giving him a look of pure lust, cupping his face.

"And you know you know you know, It's cause you're beautiful." Brook smiled as Seth looked at him like he was his reason to live. 

"You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree." Brook frowned a bit as  Seth turned his head away, turning it back towards him. "So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there!"

Brook pressed his lips against Seth's. "In here it's beautiful. Let's make this beautiful!"

"That works for me! Whoop-"

Brook pressed himself against Seth, his eyes locked on Seth. His only intent, was getting his and Seth's pants, off.  It wouldn't be too hard. All Brook had to do was lift up slightly, undo the button and zipper, and Seth would kick them off.

After that event had occurred, Seth flipped them, so he was the one on top. He reached for Brook's zipper and Brook almost melted. But he stayed focused on the kiss, kicking off his skirt before flipping them over and sitting straight up.

"Yeah!!! Full steam ahead, take this dead boy walking!"

"How'd you find my address?" 

"Let's break the bed, rock this dead boy walking!"

"I think you tore my mattress-"

"No sleep tonight for you, better chug that mountain dew!" Brook put Seth's hands to the side of his head and laced their fingers together.

"Okay, okay."

"Get your ass in gear! Make this whole town disappear!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Slap me,"

(*I don't know what to put here*)

"Pull my hair!"

Seth laced his fingers through Brook's hair and pulled back a bit.

"Touch me there,"

His hands were on Brook's chest.

"and there,"

His lower back.

"and there!"

Seth's hands cupped Brook's butt as he pulled him towards his chest.

"And no more talking!"


"Love this dead boy walking!"

"Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Wait, wait!

Brook prepared himself as Seth began to rock against him. Brook's knees were on the mattress, one on each side of Seth. So he pushed himself along with Seth. But still, they were so close to the other, and nearly every inch of them was touching. Brook loved every second of it.

"Love this dead boy!"



Brook bit Seth's neck.



I'm so sorry for your eyes.

Please forgive me//

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