Loving You

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Mei's Pov

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Mei's Pov

" Um.... What are we doing here?". I turned to Umeji.

" What do you mean? Didn't you say we could go wherever I want?" he answered confused.

" Yeah, but I didn't know we would come to the ice-skating center!"

Almost 2 weeks had passed by, and Winter was at hand. A very cold one, actually.

Things between me and Umeji had changed a bit. He treated me more like his girl rather than his friend. Not that I minded.

What I mean by that?
Well, I'm talking about walking closer to me when we are getting back from school, or brushing my hair with his fingers.

I stared at Gaku and Dairoku, who were ice skating with ease. But....
I've never done such a thing before.
Ice skating? Really?
I suck at things like this.

Umeji dragged inside, and once I was one the ice, I felt my heart beating louder and louder. I leaned again the wall, trying to balance.

" From all the places, why this?" I mumbled under my teeth.

After a few minutes and numerous bumps, I kind of got it. So there I was, trying to stand on my feet, looking like a frightened puppy, when Umeji approached me.

" You are doing better" he said.

" Is that supposed to be a good thing?"

" Yeah"

He skated next to me, as I hanged onto the bar, trying to maintain balance.

" I haven't done this before. It's very difficult. And-"

I completely lost my balance and fell down. But before I could reach the floor, Umeji had already wrapped his hands around me. My face landed on his grey, warm coat.

" I'll never be able to balance". I pouted.

He snickered a bit.

" It would seem so"

" Were you trying to make me feel better?" I continued, hugging him tighter, because I was about to fall again.

He looked at me, with a gentle look on his face.

" Sorry" he said quietly.

I don't even know for how long we were staring into each other's eyes, with a comfort I've never felt before.

" You can stop cuddling now!" we heard Hayanari's voice from the other side of the room.

I gripped the bar again and slided towards it.

" Come on, it's easy" Umeji continued.

" Easy, my ass!"

" Fine, I'll show you"

" Eh- What are you doing? Gah!"

Before I could react, Umeji had grabbed my arm with his one hand and placed the other around my waist. And just like that, he dragged me to the center of the room.

" Umeji!!!" I cried out, clinging closer to him.

His reply was a quiet laughter, but he didn't go back. I was so scared that I would fell down, since I was so far away from the bar.

" You're such an asshole! I hate you so much!" I yelled, probably looking like an angry but scared puppy.

" But you're balancing"

He wasn't..... Entirely wrong.
But that doesn't change the fact that he dragged here without my permission!

" Wh-whatever" I muttered.

He held my hand and gave me a light kiss on my cheek.

I pulled him closer and placed my lips on his. So what if I was super embarrassed? If I want that, I'll do it.

" You know, everyone is watching" Umeji whispered.

" I-I know! Sh-shut up already!"

He hugged me.

" I love it when you get embarrassed"

" I told you to shut up!"

Time passed, and came closer. Especially after learning that he was indeed the pink haired boy in the picture, I tried to keep him as happy as possible. My bullying problem stopped.

Even the problem with my father got solved. He didn't move out. Instead, I spent almost every hour of the day with Umeji and his mother. She was the kindest woman I've ever met.

And at nights, when I had sleep paralysis, Umeji would hug me and telling me that as long as he is here, he won't let anyone hurt me.

After everything I've been through, after every nightmare I had to walk through, this was really my salvation.

He, was my salvation.

A/N: Thank you all for reading and helping me reach 1,000 reads!
I hope you enjoy reading this story!

~ Natsuko 💜

I Hate Loving You (Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader - New Girl ) [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now