Meeting Olaf

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A/N When ever Kristoff sings or talks for Sven it will usually be in Italics.


Sven goes over and nuzzles Kristoff.

"Of course I don't want to help them anymore. In fact, this whole thing has ruined me for helping anyone ever again. But they'll die on their own. I can live with that." They turn around and see Anna lead Ellie the wrong way, then turn around and see Ellie lead Anna the wrong way, then Anna tripping over a branch. "But you won't get your new sled if they're dead.You know sometimes I really don't like you." Sven licks Kristoff happily. "Hold up. We're coming?!"

"You are?! I mean, sure. We'll let you tag along." Ellie chuckles.


An hour later, we step out of a forest and I see something down below.

"Arendelle." I hear Anna breathe next to me.

"It's completely frozen over." I say, grabbing her arm.

"But it'll be fine. Eli will thaw it." She replies.

"Will he?" Kristoff asks.

"...Yeah. Now come on. This way to the north mountain?" Anna asks, pointing forward.

"More like this way." He moves her hand from pointing forward to pointing upwards.

A few hours later, we walked beneath frozen willows. The hanging branches glisten like Christmas lights. Sven knocks them with his antlers. They tinkle like chimes.

"I never knew winter could be so beautiful." Anna said, in complete awe. Suddenly, a voice comes in from nowhere.

"YEAH...It really is beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. You know, how about a little color? Must we bleach the joy out of it all? I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse..." We all look around for the source of the rambling. We look at Sven - could he actually be talking? Sven looks back at us, his antlers tangled in branches, just as baffled as we are.

"How about yellow?" I ask, trying to find where the voice comes from.

"No, not yellow. Yellow and snow? go." I heard the voice behind us and turned around. So did the others. He stops between Kristoff and Anna. They both looked down at him. He suddenly looks up at Anna. "Am I right?" Anna screamed. I watch as reflexes take over and she kicks the snowman's head, sending it flying off his body and into Kristoff's arms. "Hi!"

"You're creepy." Kristoff tosses the head back to Anna and they commence a game of hot potato.

"I don't want it!" I try to look at the snowman, but they throw it too fast.

"Guys.... wait."I try.


"Please don't drop me."

"Wait, slow down!" I try again. Anna recoils from the head.

"Come on, it's just a head."

"No!" The body runs at Anna, arms waving.

"All right, we got off to a bad start."

"Ew, ew, the body!" Anna slams the head back on the body, upside down. He smiles happily, then looks confused.

"Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?" I walk over to him.

"Hang on a second." I turn his head around the right way.

"Oooh! Thank you!" He looks down at his body.

"You're welcome." I say, giving him a small smile.

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