Some People are Worth Melting For

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A/N don't judge some of this. I can't write them very well!


I head back into the mountains. Sven lags behind me, not wanting to follow me. He runs past me and then stops and turns to face me. He snorts and grunts.

"What is it, buddy?" I ask him. Sven nudges me with his antlers. "Hey, watch it. What's wrong with you?" Sven snorts with more conviction, moos, brays. "...I don't understand you when you talk like that." I try to walk on ahead, but Sven uses his antlers to lift me off the ground. "Ah! Stop it! Put me down!" Sven drops me hard then "yells" at me once more. "No, Sven! We're not going back!" Sven shakes his head, angrily.

"She's with her true love." I point back at the iced-over kingdom. Sven makes an "of-course-she-isn't" face and I get it; he's made his point. Just then the wind picks up and I look back at the kingdom. I can see a violent winter storm swirling over the castle. Sharp ice claws its way up the castle, encasing it. "Anna." Without hesitating, I dashed back down the mountain. Sven runs after me, catching up. I grab Sven's harness and jump onto his back.


I shiver by the door. I look up to see ice overtaking the ceiling. The door handle suddenly jiggles, then stops and then jiggles again.

"Help." I can barely whisper. The door swings open and I see a carrot in the lock and hear a giggle of victory. Olaf takes the carrot, puts it back on his face, behind him I can see Elle, trying to stand and leaning against the door. Then they see me lying there.

"Anna. Oh no." Olaf says. He runs to the fireplace, throws in some fresh wood, including one of his own arms, which he quickly rescues, before striking a match and relighting the fire.

"Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there." I hear Elle tell him. She sounds just as weak as me.

"Whoa! So this is heat.... I love it." He reaches a twig finger toward the flames and it catches on fire. "Ooh! But don't touch it!" He shakes the flame out, as he rushes over to help me over to the fire. He then rushes to Elle and helps her as well. "So, where's Hans? What happened to your kiss?" He asks me.

"I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love."

"Huh. But we ran all the way here?" he was so confused.

"Please Olaf, you can't stay here; you'll melt." Elle tells him, shuffling closer to the fire.

"I am not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you. The both of you." He sits down behind her, stubbornly and leans his back against hers and thinks. "...Do you happen to have any ideas?"

" I don't even know what love is." I say, staring deep into the heart of the fire.

"That's okay, I do...." Olaf hops back up and puts a soothing hand on my shoulder. "Love is...putting someone else's needs before yours, like, you know, how Kristoff brought you back here to Hans and left you forever."

"...Kristoff loves me?" I am confused.

"Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?" His face starts to melt.

"Olaf, you're melting." Ellie says.

"Some people are worth melting for." He looks at both of us sweetly. But then...his face REALLY melts. He panics, pushes the snow back in place. "Just maybe not right this second." Suddenly, the window blows open, cold wind sweeps in and we both shiver.. "Don't worry, I've got it!" Olaf flitters to the window. He pulls one panel of it shut but struggles with the second panel. "We're going to get through--Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something." He breaks an icicle off the window, and uses it as a telescope. "It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way!"

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