A Date

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The Next Morning, January 10, 6:50 am.

Both boys slept soundly through the night, enjoying each other's warmth and bodies. They had the week entirely to themselves as a lot of Villains were taken back to Arkham Asylum after last night's big bust. Today, they had something to look forward to. In their time of being a couple, they never had a chance to have a date. IT kept getting postponed due to injustice leagues and untimely deaths. Today should be a fun or as Damian describes it, 'adequate' day. Out of both boys, Jon was the first one to wake. Jon slowly opened his eyes, Damian's peaceful face was the first thing that Jon saw as he looked around. Jon couldn't help but caress his cheek. Damian was woken up by this as he grabbed Jon's hand and held it by his cheek. Damian slowly opened his eyes to see that a certain Superboy was gazing, studying every detail on Damian's face. 

"Morning." Jon yawned. "Wuv you..." he cooed.

"You're cute." Damian said as he moved Jon's long black hair to behind his ear. "I love you too... my adorable half-breed." he then gave Jon a quick kiss.

"Mmmmnn..." Jon hummed, needing more of Damian's kiss. "More..." he asked, leaning in closer to Damian's face.

"As you wish beloved..." Damian replied as he and Jon kissed passionately. After they both hesitantly broke the kiss, Damian crawled out of bed to go change in his walk-in closet. Jon continued to lie in bed, his bare naked body graced its presence in Damian's room. What a good life... He thought to himself. 

"Dami." Jon called out to his boyfriend. "What are you doing?"

"Changing." Damian replied. "You should too beloved."

"Aww... 2 more minutes?" Jon asked.

"If you come here now..." Damian proposed. "I'm still naked."

"Coming." Jon replied quickly as he flew out of bed and towards Damian in his walk-in closet. Minutes after, both boys heard a certain knock at the door. Jon ran up to open it.

"Good Morning Master Kent." Alfred greeted him.

"Good Morning Alfred!" he greeted back.

"Would the young Masters be interested for a spot of breakfast with the family?" He asked.

"Of course! We'll be down in a minute." Jon replied.

"Splendid." Alfred smiled at Jon as he walked away. 

"Dami!" Jon ran up to him, leaping to hug him.

"Woah! Beloved... Excited are we?" He asked his boyfriend.

"Sorry... Just excited for our date. When do we go out?" He asked.

"After breakfast." Damian simply replied.

"Well, Let's go." Jon said, as he abruptly grabbed Damian's hand and started to run out of the door, dragging Damian with him.

"TT. Kent, Let go. Calm down." Damian was annoyed as he let go of Jon's hand. Both boys made their way to the dining room, where the whole family gathered. Both boys sat down beside each other. Bruce sat at the end of the table and Alfred sat on the opposite end. Alfred had brought his signature fluffy pancakes for them to feast on but, neither boys ate. Damian simply got up and made himself and Jon hot chocolate. He brought both mugs to the dining table and gave Jon his as he sat down.

"Mmmm..." Jon hummed. "Thanks Dami..."

"Your welcome beloved." Damian replied as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Is that Coffee?" Tim chimed in. "Can I have coffee?"

"No Drake." Damian replied. "TT. We've discussed this."

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