2 :Made me fall deeper for him.

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Peace felt electricity going through her whole body, her stomach turning and warm sparks went through her awkwardly standing body.

It was as if Taehyung was staring directly at her soul and was doing something to her body with his eyes.
And for some reason she couldn't remove her eyes from his either.She just looked at his hazel orbs and devoured their emotions , there was fatigue , love, passion, curiosity ,intensity, so many mixed emotions that his eyes held.

His eyes seemed as if they were whispering emotions right at her ear from the way how vividly she understood his emotions.

They were magnetic as if they were pulling peace to him.
Peace shifted her weight to the barrier wanting to get closer to him ,not realizing that they were in a concert ,there were guards and taehyung was performing .

Just how taehyungs eyes pulled peace, peace ' s eyes pulled taehyung .

Taehyung walked and sat at the edge of the stage hanging his legs down , still staring at her eyes watching all her movements ,trying to find out a way how to get out
of her eyes as if he was lost in them.

He was just mesmerized by how innocent and beautiful those ordinary eyes looked .

He had seen so much more prettier eyes of various colours grey, blue even violet and green that weren't contacts but natural.

He had seen big ,round eyes with extra long eyelashes .

But peace ' s common eyes stood out to him the most.

Probably by how pretty they were inside when he looked through them.

Peace still couldn't comprehend that he noticed her and was still looking into her eyes sitting at the edge of the stage.She wondered why he did that.

All the armies around her screamed thinking it was them who taehyung was looking at ,but peace kept quiet , it was as if his stare paralyzed her body.

She just simply gripped the barrier ,quiet and stared at his eyes.

When taehyungs part came in Pied Piper , he brought the mic closer to his mouth singing his part , eyes not leaving hers.

That broke the stance but their eyes stayed glued to each other , peace roamed her eyes all over his face ,at his tall nose, plump lips looking so kissable, his gorgeous skin his brown hair and back to his eyes that wore contacts getting them in a beautiful shade of green.

Taehyung saw her eyes take in every part of his face , and they lingered on his lips a bit longer and when they did ,he stopped singing and mouthed "I'm taking over you"(A line in the chorus of Pied piper).

Peace blushed wildly at that .Taehyung knew ,he knew the strong effect he could have on anyone with his beauty and boldness , seeing her flustered state pleased him more than ever.

But no one could have this effect on taehyung with their simplicity and beauty , but peace did and that was what made an exception.

And the 3:00 minute song passed with just their eyes exploring each other .

When the music stopped and lighting got dim , taehyung couldn't hold back anymore and the magnet in peace's eyes successfully pulled him.

Taehyung jumped of the stage , smiling walking over towards peace , just two steps and he was right in front of the barrier ,right in front of peace with fans screaming their lungs out and Eve confusingly shouting taehyungs name.
Both of them remained unbothered , just looking at each other .

Soon taehyung quickly took two of his fingers and touched his lips with them and placing a quick kiss in them and he brought those fingers to peace's lips keeping them on hers.

Her warm lips were too much for taehyung to take in , he just held himself from forcing something inappropriate out too early.

Peace unconciously parted her lips wanting more of his touch but soon realized and placed a small peck on them , taehyungs eyes slightly widened but he smiled right after , he expected her to be frozen like she is but her return of his finger kiss made his insides take swirls and his heart felt like it scattered into numerous butterflies flying in his chest.

He took his hands back and went up to the stage , smiling while So What started.

Jin gave him a confused look noticing taehyungs actions but taehyung rubbed Jins arms mumbling something in his ear and walked pass.
And jin gave a big smile to peace almost immediately.

Meanwhile peace recalled how taehyung indirectly kissed her ,her heart nearly jumped out of her chest.

Her dream man touched her lips and she was still unsure whether it was all her hallucination but noticing the fans wild screams , weird glares, all cameras shoving into her face and fierce typing on phones looking at peace made her believe it all was true.

The rest of the entire concert went with eve asking peace questions about what was happening and peace kept wondering why taehyung did that.

The rest of the entire concert went with eve asking peace questions about what was happening  and peace kept wondering  why taehyung did that

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