Chapter 3

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>It’s been eight years already...

>Eight years since they found their Marks and left.

>Sure you've managed to get by performing odd jobs to earn bits, but without a special talent...

>You glare at the reflection in the mirror, its purple mane and orange coat mocking you.

>Always a reminder of the failure you are.

>Angrily you slam your forehooves into the ground, your useless little wings flapping pathetically against your sides.

>As hard as you try, tears begin to form.

>Nopony needs a blank flank like you around, even if they don’t say it.

>That’s why you decided to end it today.

>Gathering what few bits you have, you set them in a bag on the table, as well as your house keys.

>Walking out the door, you take our last look at your home.

>Or so you thought.

>The town is mostly empty, most of the population at town hall for some sort of emergency meeting.

>What few ponies you do encounter barely even look your way, let alone say hello.

>But why should they?

>You're just some blank flank pegasus who can’t even fly.

>Nopony would care if you just up and disappeared one day, never to return.

>The edge of town quickly approaches, and you make your way directly to the Everfree Forest.

>Plenty of dangerous things in there to end it.

>I wonder which I will encounter first.

>A cockatrice maybe; It would be the most painless way to go, simply turning to stone.

>Perhaps a manticore; probably the fastest way, though likely pretty painful.

>Timberwolves could also be quick, but they might also drag it on as well.

>Shrugging, you continue on your journey of self-destruction, occasionally glancing around at the forest.

>Telltale signs of a manticores territory begin to appear all around you.

>Large claw marks cover the sides of trees, bits of red fur stuck in nooks and crannies.

>The shadows seem to dance around you, taunting you, drawing you further to your destruction.

>It’s not long before you come across a small clearing, mostly covered by the foliage of the surrounding trees.

>In the center, dozing in a sunbeam that made its way through the trees sleeps a full grown alpha manticore.

>The beast is easily five times as large as the biggest of stallions, with claws that could split you in two with ease.

>Picking up a rock, you hurl it at the sleeping manticore.

>You are rewarded by a direct hit.

>A massive roar shakes you from your slumber, as well as sends you down a couple layers in the tree.

>Another roar comes out from below you, and you lower yourself further to see.

>In the clearing below you, you can see a rather angry looking lion beast.

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