Chapter 10

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>S "Are you sure you want to do this?"

>Nodding, you continue to work the kinks out of your muscles.

>"Just promise me you will be careful."

>Grabbing your special somepony, you pull her up into the most loving kiss you can muster.

"I promise, but you must promise me something. When I win this, and when Doppel is our daughter, Will you agree to marry me?"

>Her squeal of joy could probably be heard, not to mention tasted throughout the entire hive.

>Standing up, you feign looking sad.

"I guess that’s a no then."

>Instead of a response, you get tackled to the ground, and your face is covered in orange and purple love.

>The room’s door creaks open.

>CG "The match will start any minute, are you ready?"

>Taking hold of Scootaloo, you invade her mouth with your tongue, before finishing her off by gently rubbing the base of her wings.

>Breaking away, Scootaloo is in her own little world of bliss, and you set her down beside you.

>Rising, you walk to the door and nod to the guard there.

"I'm ready to go."

>The guard turns, and you follow as he leads you down a hall and out into a courtyard area.

>A circle maybe thirty feet across is marked out in the center, and all around it are changelings on cushions and chairs, ready to watch the show.

>You quickly spot Chryo and the Queen, as well as Doppel, who is next to an empty seat, likely reserved for Scootaloo.

>Stomps and strange whistling sounds can be heard as you enter the ring.

>Behind you the door opens, and Scootaloo makes her way to her seat.

>Taking off your shirt, you motion Doppel over and hand it to her, before making a few final stretches.

>A large amount of buzzing starts coming form the crowd, and you can see many changelings wings are straight up and vibrating.

>Even the Queen's and Chryo's wings are upright, which you chuckle at.

>Another door opens, and out walks a changeling, a little larger than the rest you have seen, save the Queen.

>He carries himself with the confidence of an experienced soldier, and he shows no fear at the sight of you.

>Q "Anon, I would like you to meet Ditto, my top commander and head of the guards.

>Stepping forward, you give a small bow, before holding out your hand

"It’s a pleasure to meet you."

>His hoof? Comes up to meet your hand before he shakes it.

>D "Likewise Anonymous. Whoever wins this, I hope there will be no hard feelings."

"Of course, this is purely business. But as they say in my world, if you want to get to know a guy, get in a fight with him."

>D "Well, I expect we will learn much about each other in this fight then."

"I suppose we will."

>You both step back to opposite sides of the ring, and the Queen speaks up.

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