Finale Part 1

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>You crash against the walls of your mental prison, while your body does whatever that blue eyed murderer tells it to do.

>BB "It's a pity, I can't do anything to you yet, or Celestia might get suspicious.  After that scum has been executed though, I will be sure to fully enjoy my reward for "rescuing" you."

"Buck off you bastard. I would never cheat on Anon!"

>Of course nopony hears it, and your body responds as he wants it.

>"I look forward to it, lord Blueblood"

>BB "Of course, but we have time for that later.  For now, we must get to the execution grounds."

>"Yes lord, I cannot wait to see that murderer executed."

>Your body accompanies him as you leave your royal suite and travel down the halls to the throne room.

On entering, Celestia herself greets you.

>C "It is good to see you well Scootaloo. I pray Blueblood did a good job at removing the changelings influence from you."

"No! All he did was suppressed my mind with his own control."

>"He did an excellent job. I feel no trace of their vile influence in my mind."

>You mentally scream, slamming against the barrier, trying to get some iota of control.

>It's all fruitless, as Celestia greets Blueblood, before leading him and you out to the execution grounds.

>A large stone orb sits in the middle of an open field.

>On one side, a number of seats are set, likely for those observing.

>Celestia sits in the throne like seat in the middle, and you and Blueblood are given seats on each side.

>Many important looking ponys file in, and take seats and open spots.

The final seats are filled, and the heavy silence fills the air.

*you should finish at about 1:25 -1:27 for dramatic effect

>He is brought in, ankles bound, wrists pulled straight out by magic.

>As he is moved to the stand, he looks at you his face full of sadness.

"Let me out! I have to stop this! This isn't right!"

>He is aligned with the stone, which has begun glowing.

>His arms are bound by long ropes and his legs by iron brackets set into the ground.

Celestia rises, and addresses the gathered ponys.

>C "This man is being executed for the crime of brutally murdering no less than six ponys."

"He didn't! He's innocent" you scream, pounding on the mental barrier.

>C "Are there any here who have information that would prove otherwise?"

"I do, just please, somepony. Anypony, listen!"

>Tears are actively streaming down your psychic form, and the edges of your body's vision become blurry.

>C "Since there is no one forthcoming, we shall proceed with the execution."

>She steps up to the orb, which is glowing brighter and brighter.

>C "Anonymous I have a proposition for you.  Would you be willing to spend the rest of your life an engineer?  It would be under 24 hour supervision, and would have no contact with ponys, but you you would be allowed to live."

>Your heart catches in your throat.

"Please Anon, say yes.  It doesn't matter I won't be able to see you again, so long as you live."

>His eyes catch yours, and you see the resignation in them.

>A "No. A life without love isn't life at all."

>The glow is now focused on the front of the orb facing Anon.

>C"I see. Any final words?"

"No! Please Celestia, stop!"

>A "Yes."

>You slam yourself against the barrier.

>A "Scootaloo,"

>The magic is about to release.

>A "Take care of our daughter."

>Time feels like it slows down, and are forced to watch the bolt to magic shoot straight into his chest.

>For a single moment, everything hangs still.

>A gout of blood sprays from his mouth and his body falls forward.


>The mental restraints holding you shatter, and you run over to his form, tears flowing freely.

"NO! Anon..."

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