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Weeks have come and go. Taehyun was so happy to spend it every day with Hueningkai while they're doing the things that he loves the most. Just by the sight of the other, he regains his strength. His contagious laugh is the sweetest melody that he won't ever get tired of. The gods and goddesses know how much he wanted to be Hueningkai's source of strength and happiness too. Taehyun is very thankful to have met him. For the first time in his life, he felt free and completely happy. Hueningkai makes him feel appreciated and ... loved. "Love. What do you think of it, Hyunie?" Hueningkai asked Taehyun, his eyes full of curiosity and expectation. "Why did you ask all of a sudden?" The shepherd replied as he raises one of his brows. Hueningkai remained quiet so he decides to answer his question. "Love, for me? It's doing what you want without pretense. Sometimes, when you love something, you'll hate it but you'll still find yourself doing it. Love is willing to take consequences may it be good or bad. What else ..." Hueningkai grabbed his soft hands and cupped them. He stared at Taehyun for a good minute, eyes shimmering with expectations same as before, then he whispered, "I love you. It's sudden but I love you."  Taehyun didn't know what to say. His lips parted, eyes round in shock. The nymph patiently waited for him to reply. He knew it, it was sudden. He shouldn't have trusted his sister when she said that he should follow his instincts, that he should wait for the perfect timing and mood then confess. He totally ruined it.

"Hueningkai, I think you have misunderstood. The love I'm talking about is not the love for other person. It's-" Taehyun didn't have the chance to finish his explanation. Hueningkai covered the other's mouth muffling his words. "Is it different? I'm very sure that I love you. When I'm with you, I always do what makes me happy and I'm always the real me. I hated humans and interacting with them but  you're an exception. And, of course, I'm willing to go through whatever consequences the Fates have for me as long as I can be with you. I don't think I misunderstoo-" The nymph was forced to stop talking when he felt Taehyun's pair soft lips against his. The kiss lasted only for seconds but it felt like a lifetime. It was sweet, pure, and clumsy. Hueningkai swears that he could hear both of their hearts pounding loudly inside their chests. Taehyun broke the kiss and hugged Hueningkai. "God, you're shameless." The shorter whispered into his ear. They hugged each other for quite some time. It felt good embracing someone you love dearly into your arms. They stayed at the foot of the mountain until the sun went to bed. It's Hueningkai cue to break the peaceful silence, "So, does that mean that you love me too? You should tell me or else I might get the wrong idea." The taller one said and they both laughed.

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