Chapter 4; Shopping.

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*Emilys POV*

I got dressed in the same clothes as i wore last night, but put on one of justins white shirts, leaving it open and tying it a knot at the bottom.

I zipped up my thigh high boots, putting the money in the little bag i had, before making my way downstairs.

Just as i was heading towards the front door, the tall black man from before, kenny, stepped infront of me.

he smiled warmly. 'good morning miss'

i grinned back. 'morning'

he chuckled. 'mr bieber has instructed me to drive you anywhere you wish today'

'really?' i asked a little shocked.

he nodded. 'he has indeed. So, where will we be off too today?'

He gestured for me to take his arm, which i did, as i linked mine with his. 'Rodeo Drive please'


I thought the car ride would be a bit awkard, but it was the complete opposite.

Me and kenny really hit it off; we had the same sense of humor so it worked really well.

It also turns out that kenny doesnt actually know what my job is, he thinks that justin just met me at a club and we hit it off.

and to be honest i'd rather him believe that story than the truth.

When people usually find out what my job is, they lose all respect for me without even knowing me.

and i think thats wrong and judemental.

Kenny chuckled, looking towards me sitting in the passenger seat. 'so, what do you think of justin?'

i giggled. 'he's very sweet, he's actually invited me to stay the week with him'

kenny raised his eyebrows.'really?'

i nodded, looking out at the road ahead.

kenny smirked. 'he must really like you then, cause he's never done that before'

i chuckled and smiled politely.

if only he knew.

We pulled up onto a parking lott where kenny parked the car.

He looked at me. 'if you just go round the corner you'll be on Rodeo Drive. I'll give you some time to roam the shops and do some browsing, i'll be here waiting to take you back whenever you like. Is that ok?'

i nodded grinning like a hyper 7 year old. 'sounds good to me!'

I pulled kenny into a hug and squeezed his big body. I think he was a bit shocked by this gesture, but he chuckled and hugged me back just the same.

I smiled getting out the car. 'thanks again, i'll see you in a few hours'

he grinned and nodded my way. 'its my pleause, you have fun darlin'

i giggled before shutting the door and making my way to Rodeo Drive.


I sighed contently walking down the sidewalk, taking in the glamour of all the shops infront of me.

It was magical.

Everything was just so elegant and pristine, even the people walking past the shops were perfect.

I could feel a few peoples eyes looking me up and down, probably due to what i was wearing, but i didnt care. I liked what i was wearing and felt confident, fuck what anyone else thinks.

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