You Live in My Soul

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Grant was lying asleep in Eddie's bed on his stomach; his hand was holding his phone which had a calming playlist on. Eddie sighed, and laid down beside Grant and spooned him. At least there was this...

Grant woke up to find Eddie holding him. Grant removed himself from Eddie's grip to sit up. He ran a hand through the other's hair. Eddie's eyes fluttered open; Eddie groaned and looked up to Grant.

"Goodmorning, honey brunches."

"Morning, Narr~" Eddie rolled his r's and sat up. He leaned against Grant and sighed. "Hey, Grant."


"What are we?"

"Having an existential crisis?"

"No, no... I mean what are we? What is our relationship?" Eddie looked angry, "Are we actually dating? Just friends with benefits? Or is this thing nothing?"

Grant placed his hands on Eddie's shoulders, "Hey, hey, hey... relax, honey bunches. This isn't nothing." Grant smiled, "Believe me, I love you too much to let you go. I swear to fucking god: I'm not going to lose my chance with you again." Eddie held tightly onto Grant's arms. Grant continued his rant, "I would love to go out with you, Eddie. So," Grant released Eddie, and slid off the bed and kneeled on the floor, "Eduardo, te amo demaisiado. /Eduardo I love you too much. ¿Saldrias conmigo?/Will you go out with me?"

Eddie giggled; he slid off the bed and grabbed Narrator's hands, "Si/Yes!"

Grant grinned from ear to ear. He quickly stood up and shouted 'yes' with joy! Eddie hugged him, and kissed him senseless. Fucking yes.

'Cause I Love You Too Much (EddieVR X Your Narrator)Where stories live. Discover now