「 entry 8 」

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dear diary,

i asked tsukishima where we're going to do the project today (it's due a week from now).

he told me that we should go to his house 0-0

i am: scared and nervous.

he also stuttered when he said that

i have no clue why.

i asked a classmate (who watched our conversation >:-/) why he might be stuttering.

he said "he probably likes you (l/n)."

i highly doubt that.

it's probably because he thinks i'm crazy for intrODUCING MYSELF AND THEN RUNNING ALL THE WAY TO THE RESTROOM FOR GOD KNOWS WHAT.

sorry i'm just mad at myself for that still.

i act like this diary is an actual person istg.

this proves how lonely i truly am T^T

i think my mom's yelling at me to go to sleep so i'll sign off for now, bye.

sincerely, (l/n) (y/n)

entry 10 | tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now