On the Sunny Side - Chapter 3

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I find a good bar seat and check that the seats next to it on either side are empty as well. They are, so I sit myself down. After about half an hour, I'm burned out. Then, some Sunflower walks up and then sits right next to me and orders a drink. "Hey." I say, hoping to strike a conversation. "Hi." She quickly responds with, "You come here often?" She looks at me and answers, "No. But I had my first class in college today and I kind of needed a break." "Holy shit, me to! I just finished class and right after I decided to come here." "Wow, what a coincidence! Oh, by the way, I'm Ella." Side note: if a chick gives you her name then that means things are going smooth so far. "I'm Richard, nice to meet you."

We then continue to talk and talk for a bit, but then she looks at me and says, "Oh shit! I have to get some quick sleep so I can go to class and work. I was so caught up in our conversation I forgot that I have a life to get to." She laughs and then grabs her purse. "Well It was a pleasure talking to you Richard." "Same with you. Catch you later!" She stops and turns back. "Do you want to talk some other time as well?" I didn't expect her to turn back, but I respond with, "Oh yeah, what's you number?" She put her number in my phone and left the Zen Garden. YES! I got some girls number! Jake is going to flip. After Ella has left I get that tingly feeling all over. Like my body is asleep but my brain just isn't quite ready to. But eventually my eyelids get heavy, and I slowly drift to sleep once more. I catch myself sleeping and quickly go home so I don't end up like the homeless plants that come here. They just but a shot and then find a place to sleep for a while I guess. Once I get home, I text Ella 'Hi' and 'Good Night'. We talk for a bit and then my body slows down and I fall asleep. But tonight I slept like a fucking baby on the softest crib in the universe now that I have something going.

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