Obviously Interested - Chapter 4

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*Beep Beep*. I instantly get out of bed and spring up to turn off the alarm clock. Excited to talk to Ella I text her.
Me: Bouta go to class, why
Ella: My class starts in an hour, so I'm just going to play my PlantStation 4
Ella plays Plantstation!? I guess we have more in common than I thought.
Me: You play Plantstation? What games are you into?
Ella: I love Plantstation! Oh, I'm into Grand Theft Apple 5 and Need For Seed wbu
Holy shit, this bitch plays the same games as me! I guess we have a lot in common with each other
Me: Those are literally the only games I play lmfao
I send her a picture of my games and those two are my top played and most recently played.
Ella: No way, no fucking way that we play the same games! What a coincidence!
Me: I know wtf lol
I then tell her I have to go to class soon, and I get a bowl of cereal and sit down to watch Season Four Episode Two of Rick and Marigold with Jake. Once the episode is done, and I finished my bowl of cereal I get in my car and drift my way to class.

After class I head home right away. Jake is still at work, he just changed his work hours to fit his open schedule. He dropped out of Highschool and he doesn't want to go to college so all he does is work, smoke, fuck, and play videogames. That's what I call the life right there. So since I'm home alone I call Ella to see if she wants to hang out. *RING RING* She picks up the phone and says,
Ella: Hey Richard!
Confused I ask,
Me: How did you know it was me?
Ella: I have you in my contacts, remember?
Me: Shit, yeah I forgot.
She laughs and then questions the reason I called her.
Ella: What did you need?
Me: Oh, I was wanting to see if you would like to come over...
Hopefully she says yes. If she does then maybe things will get a little steamy and maybe a little action packed, if you catch my drift.
Ella: Sure, I'd love to! Which room number is yours again?
Richard: It should be room sixty nine on the fourth floor
Ella giggles.
Ella: Room sixty nine? What are the chances!?
She laughs at the coincidence that me and Jake got the most hilarious room number in the building.

20 Minutes Later

*Knock Knock* That must be her! I take a deep breath and open the door. What awaits me on the other side is the cutest sunflower I've ever met also known as, Ella.
Ella: Hi Richard!
Me: Damn. Oh, uh- Hi Ella! Come on in, make yourself at home.
Ella: Do you smoke in here?
Me: Yeah, me and my roommate, Jake smoke in the living room while watching TV, Why?
Ella: Oh it's just got that smoking smell in here, but it's alright
Damn it. I need to think of something quick to dull out the smell.
Me: I could light an insence if you want, it'll get rid of most of the smell
Ella nods. I walk her to my bedroom, I open the door and step inside.
Ella: Is this your room?
Me: Yeah. So do you want to watch a movie?
Ella: Well, what's your favorite thing to watch?
I obviously respond with the best show on television right now.
Me: Oh, Rick and Marigold all the way!
Ella: What's Rick and Marigold?
I open my mouth in shock.
Me: You've never seen Rick and Marigold!?
She shakes her head.
Ella: Well now you have to show me it!
Me: Bet. Sit down, we got a lot of episode to get through
This is my chance, half way through watching season one, we make out and then fuck. This night could get legendary...

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