in which i dream

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these past few nights i've had really vivid dreams. confusing ones.

two nights ago i was in english class and i felt sick ig, so i asked to go to the restroom. i went to the "sick" one, idk it was weird. so i grabbed a stall and peed, as you do. but then i saw that my pee was pink and i had a panic attack. then the restroom monitor banged on my stall door and told me to shut up. idk. then my mom and mimi were there...with my drug test??? idk but it was all negative thank god. so apparently i also had an orchestra concert (in symphony!) that night so we rushed to the auditorium. we were late but were able to sneak backstage as watch. then my orchestra teacher after the concert came up to us and we chatted for a bit and i asked about new pieces and she's like "oh, we won't get those for a month. we will just practice these." then i woke up.

last nights i was back in michigan and back at my old dance studio. it was a showcase for solos, duos, trios, groups, and the company number. i had a solo, even though i probably flew in earlier that day lol. so i was on stage and i did my solo. it was a pretty contemporary solo, my strongsuit. then miss nicole, came on stage and helped me improve for a bit mainly just musicality. so after i walked off to the wings and mr adam gave me a tour of the stage and backstage. then he looped next back around to the wings to talk to miss sally and miss nicole. they pretty much offered me a guaranteed spot at the company if i auditioned and then i cried. apparently my dad had been talking to them for months about me and my dance/orchestra journey. i accepted the audition and then we had a little montage of my "competitors" for the competition team. then i woke up and cried lol.

so yeah, i analyzed them and it's really interesting. those were my dreams.

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