in which i die

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omg this is one of my worst periods emotionally. i feel physically sick and sore. i took a FAT nap omg. i literally want to sleeeep. but i can't bc i have a form to finish for my own rp...oops. i also have school to do and i don't want to do it but i have to. i also will start a new pint of ben and jerry's non dairy (it's so good!!!!) probably the "milk" and cookies bc that's sunflower milk ice cream and i've never had it before. interested to try it. my feet hurt and my hips and neck hurt. i took ibuprofen already. i also need to practice for all region more today. i think i'll go do that. i'll do school later, eh. i have an A anyway, it's fine.

reading through that, it's a hot mess but i'm too tired to care.

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