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     For the newbies and the oldies out there reading this, know that there are MANY people that make these mistakes.  I mean, when I was grading papers of an eighth grade HONORS class, they made these mistakes…a lot.

     Even my...dear friend… Sky makes these mistakes.  Will she ever fix them?  No, because the is lazy.


     Sorry, she somehow got the duct tape off her mouth.  No worries, I’m just…helping her get peach fuzz off her lip.

     This book is for all ages, unless you are in college.  Then I hope that you write better than this (I'm not judging).  Keep in mind that you should not add humor to school work (unless it is a class assignment and the teacher does not hate you) because, well, teachers are jerks at times.  This is more for when you tell your stories to the public society on Wattpad.

     If anyone is hating (by saying things like “I can write better than this and I’m younger than you,” or “This sucks”) on one of your demigod adventure stories, comment on this paragraph and I’ll send a fan-girl army to come to your aid.

                                                                        Your savior,
                                                                               Annabeth Chase

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