1 - arrival

503 32 37

"an island? for ourselves?" sejun tried to ask a staff member, but the loudness of the helicopter rotors drowned out his voice

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"an island? for ourselves?" sejun tried to ask a staff member, but the loudness of the helicopter rotors drowned out his voice.

the seven members and their filming crew had just stepped out of the helicopter that had escorted them to the island, and they were now looking around with wide eyes. the helicopter lifted from the ground, taking the loud noise with it. left was what felt like an odd silence, finally letting their ears rest after sitting in the loud aircraft for almost an hour.

"this is where we will film your new reality show!" a staff member informed them, making them all brighten up.

"we are going to stay here for three weeks?!" seungwoo excitedly asked, jumping around in happiness when he received a nod.

"how come you don't seem excited?" chan asked byungchan, who was just standing there with a pleased smile on his face.

"byungchan was actually the one who requested to go to this island. he read about it in a magazine and he thought it would be fun for us to film something here!" a staff member told them, making byungchans smile grow wider.

"let's go to the water!" sejun pulled subin along, and together they hurried through a small wooded area and over to the sea. it was open, not a single island or boat could bee seen.

the only thing that wasn't really pleasing to the two boys was the smell. it was a briny smell, with a mix of sandy seaweed. however the ocean itself made up with the bad smell. even if the temperature of the water was undoubtedly freezing, the clear water looked extremely tempting.

"i want to swim" sejun complained, fanning his face with his hand. it was an incredibly hot day, so all of the boys felt an urge to jump in the water, no matter how cold it was.

"let's go back to the house and change then" subin stood up from the rock he had been sitting on, and together the two made their way back through the little forest and over to their house.

it was a large yellow house, three stories tall. the porch had a couch, a couple of armchairs and a hammock in the corner. the rest of the group were getting unpacked, loading their stuff in the main entrance.

"guys let's go swimming!" sejun said, already throwing stuff around in his bag, trying to find his swimwear. "where are we sleeping? i would like to unpack before swimming" seungsik smiled politely at the staff member he directed his question towards.

"that will be part of the show, your rooms will be chosen later today on camera. is that fine for you all?" the staff member clasped his hands together. the members nodded before grabbing their own bags to go and get changed.

it took about ten minutes for them all to be back by the main entrance, this time ready to go swimming. with their towels around their necks, all seven of them walked into the woods.

"i should have put my shoes on" chan complained, hissing as he stepped on another pine cone. after the complaints and getting a few bugs in the face, the group and a few staff members made it back to the beach. the boys who hadn't seen it previously all let out gasps of delight.

"i love this place!" seungwoo tossed his towel on the sand before running down to the water. but just as quick as he'd ran down, he was back up, repeatedly stuttering about it being cold.

"you might love it now, just wait and see..." hanse mumbled to himself, not really expecting anyone to hear it.

"could you repeat that? i didn't hear you properly" byungchan stepped a little closer to hanse as he spoke, expecting the other to repeat himself.

"oh, uh, nothing. just saying that it's going to become stressful when filming begins" hanse shrugged it off, before stepping away from byungchan and entering the water.

he immediately let out a shriek. "why is it so cold?!" he yelled while running up to get his towel.

"please, you two are overreacting so much. you only dipped your feet for gods sake!" subin giggled pointing at the only two boys that had tried to get in the water so far.

subin dropped his towel on a nearby rock, then slowly walked into the water. it was still just as freezing as last time he checked, but the heat was telling him to continue.

his legs walked him out further in the water, he only stopped when it reached his waist. that's when he turned around to see everyone's shocked faces.

"you are inhuman! or a psycho!!" seungwoo dramatically yelled, making everyone laugh.

subin just shrugged, and began walking further out in the water. when the water hit his upper chest area he took a deep breath and dipped his head under water. his whole body was aching because of the coldness of the water, but he would rather stay cold than sweat all day. he got up to the surface again and brushed his hair out of his face.

"guys come on, you are overreacting" he said when he realized everyone was still staring.

when no one moved a muscle, he changed his facial expression. he looked at them all with sparkly puppy eyes, knowing that it would give him anything he wanted. "guys come onn!!" he spoke with a pout on his lips, stomping the sand underneath the water surface.

when those words were spoken, the others finally began moving towards the water. hanse and seungwoo were walking a bit behind everyone else. they wanted to refuse, but they couldn't escape the puppy eyes.

"it can't be that bad... right?" seungsik mumbled while carefully dipping his toe in the water.

before he had time to react to anything, seungwoo pushed him, making him fall face down in the water. he was quick to turn around in anger, but no one was able to take him seriously when they noticed the wet sand all over his face.

"SEUNGWOO I WILL KILL YOU!!" seungsik bolted over to the older and threw him in the water, letting him meet the same fate as the younger had done a few seconds prior.

the others were laughing so hard that their stomachs ached. it took a while, but after some time everyone had made their way into the water. everyone except for subin were constantly yelling about regretting it, or that they couldn't feel their bodies.

but after a little while of playing around in the water, it actually became bearable. the group ran around and played tag, did tricks, had competitions and more.

they stayed in the water for nearly an hour before they felt the urge to get out and warm up. they sat silent on the beach, only the light sound of their teeth hitting the other row as they continuously shivered, along with calm waves rolling in on the sand could be heard.

the staff members that had gone with them were doing their own little things, such as preparing cameras, fixing with the audio recorders or just enjoying the view.

it was while sitting there at peace, one boy decided he was going to fulfill the thoughts that had been bugging him for a while. he was going to eliminate the people around him.

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