7 - devastation

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seungwoo was staring at his phone, unsure what to do

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seungwoo was staring at his phone, unsure what to do.

he had just argued with seungsik about if this whole thing was a prank or not. seungwoo still wanted it to be a prank, despite knowing that the staff couldn't have played dead for that long.

maybe it was just a very long ongoing prank?

seungwoo sighed. "but it must be a prank right?" he said to himself. he was wondering if he should call the police and complain over the fact that there were dozens of dead bodies in their house.

but just then, seungwoo's phone buzzed. he received a message.

so you still think it's a prank, huh?

that's what the message said. it was from an unknown called ID, so seungwoo had no idea who sent it. he just stared at it, eyebrows knitted together tightly in confusion.

what was that supposed to mean? even if seungwoo was sure this was a part of the prank, he felt worry spread through his body. he tensed up slightly and glanced around the room. he saw no one.

but when he tried to text the number back, the screen said that the number was unavailable. "what the fuck...?" seungwoo muttered while talking the caller to try and get more information.

"this is bullshit" he cried out after maybe ten minutes. he threw his phone next to him on the couch and let out a deep groan.

but it was just then, the person lurking in the shadows decided to strike.

seungwoo has just closed his eyes to take a nap when he heard the quick footsteps coming his way. he opened his eyes just in time to see a knife flashing in the light before it got buried deep inside his body.

seungwoo was in shock. well, in pain as well, of course, but he was in a state of extreme shock when he realized who was doing all of this.

seungwoo fell down on the ground, blood slipping out of his mouth. he was unable to talk, all he could do was stare at the younger with a look of terror in his eyes.

the pain he felt was unbearable. the knife had pierced through his skin and was stuck right in his heart. he was surprised he wasn't already dead. he almost wished he was, though. rather dead than this excruciating pain.

then finally, like a savior, he felt his consciousness slip away. he tried to keep his eyes fixated on the person standing above him, but his vision slowly began to blur.

the younger of the two in that room pulled the knife out of seungwoo's chest, making a loud groan escape his lips. but the younger just smiled.

"sad that it had to end like this, my dear wooya. but my question is... do you still think it's a prank?" the last words in the sentence were almost not hearable for seungwoo. he was slipping away faster.

"w-why..." he breathed out. that was his last breath. the warm light took over, making him feel surprisingly comfortable. was this how death felt? all the pain had disappeared like the snap of a finger, and left was only that odd comfort. seungwoo didn't complain, of course. he just closed his eyes and let the warmth and the light take him away.

it was seungsik who found seungwoo lifeless on the couch. he let out a deafening scream at the sight. he was in such a state of shock that he was unable to even cry. he just stood and stared, eyes wide open.

the other members were quick to get there as well. they all copied seungsik's previous action - they screamed and stared.

subin ran up to the lifeless body, shaking it, trying to get a response. tears were streaming down his face. "he's gone, subin" sejun whispered, grabbing the youngest's shoulders.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU ASSHOLES DID THIS?! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" subin screamed, hiding his face in sejun's chest as the tears kept pouring down.

byungchan, who had previously been vomiting from the sight, joined the two in a group hug.

seungsik stood still, unsure what to do at this point. he knew one of the crying boys on the ground were the one who did all of this.

then seungsik's mind wandered over to seungwoo again.

bright, happy seungwoo, who always had a smile on his face, and always made sure that everyone felt safe and that everyone was okay.

seungsik could not believe that someone would murder a person like seungwoo. slowly but surely, the sadness that had built up in seungsik's body bubbled up and turned into anger.

seungwoo was dead, and it was someone in this room who did it.

"i shouldn't have left him" subin cried. his self accusations made seungsik roll his eyes. "stop trying to get the attention on you all the fucking time," he hissed, earning everyone's attention.

"i mean come on. it's obvious that you are the one behind all of this. you try to make allies with everyone, and you overreact at little things. just admit it. you killed seungwoo" seungsik didn't know where his rage came from, but he was sure he just made a mistake.

subin was looking at him with a mix of shock, sadness and anger on his face. he pushed everyone off himself then stood up. "you're saying i'm the one who killed seungwoo?! you're telling me right here that i murdered the person i'm the closest to in this fucking room?! why would you even say that?! as the now oldest, show some fucking respect!"

subin left the room quickly after that. everyone who was still in the room could hear his loud sobs slowly fade away as he found somewhere to hide.

everyone else in the room glanced at seungsik. "you fucked up" hanse said, pushing seungsik to the side while passing by. one by one they all decided to leave the dreadful room. left was only seungsik and seungwoo's dead body.

seungsik finally stepped forward. he put his hand on seungwoo's cheek, almost expecting the oldest to lean into his touch like he always did. but his face was cold, and so was the rest of his body.

"seungwoo...? wooya? can you... can you hear me?" seungsik knew this was pathetic, but he just had to try. seungwoo of course gave no reply. "this is stupid," seungsik muttered to himself. "it's only been about twenty minutes since i found you and i already miss you so fucking much"

the group hug on the floor had been going on for maybe ten minutes. they all just hugged, cried, and suspected seungsik who didn't move a muscle.

"i have to bury you..." seungsik wiped away his tears before trying to move seungwoo's body. seungsik was strong, yes, but unfortunately not strong enough.

for every ounce of energy he used, a tear would make its way down his cheek. when it felt like his eyes had dried out, he gave up. he had only managed to get seungwoo down from the couch he had been lying on.

"i am so so sorry" seungsik cried, giving the limp body a tight hug. "i have to get out of here" seungsik finally pulled himself together. "call the police, i have to call the police" he felt like he had lost his mind.

he found seungwoo's phone on the ground and was quick to grab it. the lock screen made him cry even harder. it was a picture of all seven of them, hugging and being happy.

"i hate you, i hate you all" seungsik mumbled while unlocking seungwoo's phone and dialing 119.

but he just received the reply they had all been given - they were on an island in the middle of nowhere, the police would be unable to find them.

"THIS IS WHY WE SAY ACAB!" seungsik yelled out to the air. he stumbled up from the ground and ran away to god knows where.

and so they were only six.

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