9 - accusations

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sejun heard the deafening scream when he was rummaging through his bag, trying to find something to wear other than the stinky clothes he had been wearing the past couple of days

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sejun heard the deafening scream when he was rummaging through his bag, trying to find something to wear other than the stinky clothes he had been wearing the past couple of days.

he looked up from his bag, worry filling his body when the screaming came to an abrupt halt. it sounded like seungsik.

sejun ran down the stairs and out the already open front door. chan and byungchan were already there, both frozen in shock. their reactions only worried sejun further.

that and the body on the ground.

sejun took slow steps forward, startling the two others who were already there. byungchan's legs gave up on him, and he fell to the ground as he sobbed.

that gave sejun a clear view on the body on the ground. it was indeed seungsik. his arms were twisted in weird, unnatural ways, and his head was bleeding badly. it had landed on a sharp rock, most likely killing him immediately.

sejun wanted to throw up. two people had died in the matter of only a couple of hours.

soon, hanse and subin joined them, both beginning to sob when they noticed the lifeless body on the dirty ground.

"why would you do something like this?" byungchan whispered. sejun frowned a little, seeing as the other was still looking at seungsik as he was talking.

"i know that whoever pushed him is right here," he continued, his voice still hushed. "why are you doing this? what good does it bring out?" byungchan got silent when his voice broke.

that hurt sejun more than it probably should have. but before he could open his mouth to say anything, hanse decided to speak up.

"you know how seungsik reacted when we found seungwoo?" he said. "he kept going on about it being subin. and now seungsik is dead. so..." he didn't want to actually speak the words he was thinking.

sejun glanced over at subin. he was expecting the youngest to look angry for being accused yet again, but subin just looked sad. "at this point i don't even know. it feels like all the clues you guys find and come up with ends up leading to me..." subin sighed.

"but where were you when he fell?" sejun decided to direct a question towards hanse. he was taken aback by the sudden attack. "i was about to take a shower..?" he said, a frown making its way onto his face.

"funny that you say that, because i was right outside the bathroom looking through our bags for something to wear. i didn't see you anywhere around." sejun crossed his arms over his chest, giving hanse a glare as he spoke.

"i was on my way, i wasn't there yet!" hanse yelled in self defense. "i also happen to notice that you don't have a towel with you, nor do you have any of the supplies needed to take a shower." sejun continued. everyone else were dead silent, staring at the two with wide eyes.

"oh come on, the stuff i need is already in the shower!" hanse continued to speak with a loud voice. "as a matter of fact there isn't any supplies in the bathroom, which you should know since you have been there more than once this stay."

hanse opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with something to say. but he stayed quiet. "hanse..." byungchan whispered, getting up from the ground. hanse looked offended, to say the least.

"it's not me i swear on my life!" he yelled in frustration. he looked at the other three. all of them avoided to look him in the eyes. "this is ridiculous. why are all of you always team subin?! he has been acting strange this whole trip, i'm telling you! stop ignoring that!"

"in what ways has he been acting 'strange'?" sejun questioned. "he - uhm, he... he just is! like seungsik said, he keeps blaming himself for attention! you guys are getting on my nerves, i'm leaving!" with those odd words, hanse did just what he said. he walked away, making sure to stomp the ground extra hard.

sejun let out a deep sigh before glancing over at subin again. subin was sitting on a rock, looking down at the ground. sejun carefully made his way over to the youngest.

"thank you for defending me, but i think you should stop. everyone being all protective over me - and me only - doesn't feel right. at this point, i'm believing that it actually is me. it's a scary thought." subin didn't look up from the ground. sejun just nodded.

"i'm sorry. i'll be leaving now, be careful everyone." sejun gave the others a short nod before heading back inside the house. he made sure to watch all the corners, since he was still scared of hanse.

an angry hanse was not fun to deal with.

sejun hurried up to the second floor and locked himself inside the room he had been assigned the first day. he let out an inaudible sigh before walking over to the glass wall.

he slid the door to the balcony open and stepped outside. a cool breeze hit his face as he did so. he walked over to the edge of the balcony and rested his arms on it.

another sigh escaped his lips. why was the weather so nice?

the sunlight was warming him up as he just stood there, eyes closed, just living. fog, rain and thunder would have been better.

sejun opened his eyes again when he thought of something. he looked around at the gigantic blue sea, trying his best to spot a boat. at first he didn't see anything, but then he noticed movement right by the horizon.

sejun was quick to run inside his room and grab the big flashlight that was in one of the cabinets. he was out on the balcony again in a few seconds. he began clicking the power button rapidly.

"come on, come on..." he mumbled, hitting the flashlight a couple of times to get it to start. it started to blink after a few moments. sejun pressed the power button again. and again.

three short flashes. S.
three long flashes. O.
three short flashes. S.

sejun repeated those for who knows how long. but it was apparently no use. he tried and tried to get that boats attention until it had sailed past the horizon and away.

sejun felt the last bit of the little hope he had left wash away. he sat down on the balcony, leaning his back against the wall. he wanted to cry but he just couldn't.

he just felt so empty. he hid his face in his hands. expecting the tears to come. but they didn't. it made him feel even worse. two of his best friends were dead. dead. deceased. not fucking alive.

and he couldn't even cry about that.

he was such a terrible human.

sejun was happy he was outside and getting fresh air, otherwise he probably would have gotten some kind of panic attack.

he sat huddled up outside until night time rolled in and the temperature dropped. sejun was shuddering and shaking, but he didn't feel like moving.

that was until someone grabbed his shoulders.

sejun didn't know who it was. he didn't care to check. the person hugged him. sejun buried his head in the person's shoulder. the other person was all warm and cozy.

he was moved inside the room again. the warmth came as a surprise to sejun's ice cold body.

he was put in the bed and under the blanket. a dog plushie was handed to him. "you need to take care of yourself." the person said. sejun should recognize that voice, but it was like his brain decided to shut off. instead, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep in the warm and cozy bed.

a/n: hii i'm so sorry for the slow updates, it's been a shit ton of school work and a huge lack of motivation to write, buuut i'm on break now so i will try to update a little more because i feel bad lol <3

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