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"tears poured out luna's bloodshot eyes, as she wiped her light pink flushed cheeks with the sleeve of his oversized hoodie

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"tears poured out luna's bloodshot eyes, as she wiped her light pink flushed cheeks with the sleeve of his oversized hoodie.
the hoodie he left her. before leaving to pursue his dreams. ignoring every text she would send, and every time she'd call. every time she tried to reach out, there was no response. how fucking selfish could he be?"

luna's chocolate brown hair blew crazily in front of her face, as she drove around new york city, lana del rey at maximum volume, not a care in the world.
she parked her vintage car, and slowly began exiting, closing the door carefully.

"gracieeeee!" luna yelled, grinning like a little kid on christmas day.
"hey shithead" gracie replied, slapping the back of the brunette's head.
"oh bitch it's on" luna joked, pushing her over onto the ground.
gracie landed on a beanbag with a loud thump, as laughter echoed around her spacious, cozy apartment, decorated with potted plants, fairy lights and polaroid's. the complete opposite of her cluttered, almost claustrophobic home. she was more of an introverted type, gracie was outgoing and easily likeable. luna even enjoyed a different genre of music to her, but it worked. somehow, they clicked. best friends. that clique 'coming of age movie' type friendship.

gracie threw her arms around luna, and engulfed her into a warm bear hug, then scuttled off to her kitchen.
"CHOOSE A MOVIE" she yelled, frantically searching through her pantry for any food that seemed somewhat appealing.
"and NOT titianic." she added, after a long pause of comfortable silence.
luna flipped her off and jumped onto the couch, kicking off her doc martens and began fiddling with the glossy black nail varnish on her fingernails. carrying a mountain of snacks, blankets, and sugary fizzy drinks, gracie stumbled into the living room.
"i can't see shit" she groaned, making a effort to place down the bundle of items without knocking one over.
luna watched her chaotically stumble around and giggled to herself, whilst reaching for the remote control.
a packet of doritos and haribos flew in luna's direction, followed by a leap onto the sofa as she started her daily rant about her family problems and work-mates.

luna flicked through netflix, and chose 10 things i hate about you, whilst
listening to gracie ramble and adding a bit of input and advice here and there.



crybabyluna my lazy bitchass best friend is sat next to me snoring during our movie marathon 🙄 🙄 pathetic
5437 likes 327 retweets 169 comments
username dissapointed. expecting an apology video sometime soon😵
203 likes 12 retweets 10 comments
liked by crybabyluna

crybabyluna i'm so fucking bored rn who's up for a qna 😁😁😁😁
6982 likes 143 retweets 30 comments
198 likes 5 retweets 3 comments
crybabyluna i have so much ready SHDJEHGF
6302 likes 44 retweets 71 comments
username2 bro your music is cancer
11 likes 1 retweet 2 comments
username3 ok
34 likes 0 retweets 3 comments
93 likes 3 retweets 2 comments
liked by crybabyluna

username5 any music recommendations?
172 likes 32 retweets 11 comments
crybabyluna check!! out!! my!! spotify!! playlist!!
6088 likes 56 retweets 23 comment

username6 cElEb cRuSh?!??1!1!
liked by crybabyluna
crybabyluna uhm yeah i'm totally not obsessed with robert pattison. toootally pfft 😤😤

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5437 likes 21 retweets 56 comments

amy637 what's your most embarrassing highschool experience
124 likes 12 retweets 7 comments
crybabyluna ok swiftly dodging this question :DDD ha ah ha ah ah
5437 likes 11 retweets 177 comments

timmysnostrills any hobbies besides music?
6088 likes 56 retweets 490 comment
crybabyluna art n photography :p
6302 likes 44 retweets 424 comments

crybabyluna i'm waking up the devils spawn rn 👍 wish me good luck
5437 likes 98 retweets 41 comments
username10 luna ur in my prayers rn 🙏🙏🙏
124 likes 12 retweets 7 comments
crybabyluna thank you so much
2640 likes 32 retweets 11 comments

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