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"and then conans fucking wolf started attacking me!" bea said yelling at the boy sat next to her.
"you shouldn't have hit my dog. that's all i'm going to say" conan replied, smirking proudly.
"shut the fuck up about minecraft" gracie added, sat scrolling through her phone.
luna was seated comfortably on a huge sofa to herself, clutching a xbox controller.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" she yelled, as a group of skeletons shot her in the game.
luna's expression dropped in disappointment as she sat staring at the tv screen.
"you died loser" conan teased quietly, hoping she didn't hear.
luna got up from the sofa and calmly walked over to conan, hitting him lightly in the stomach.
"OUCH!" he exaggerated, clutching his stomach.
"the fuck was that for?!"
"i heard you, you fucking idiot"
"well, i wasn't wro-"
luna cut him off by punching him slightly harder than before.
"LUNA!!" conan yelped, putting his middle finger directly in front of her face.
"you're such kids i swear to god" bea muttered to herself, leaving luna and conan glaring at each other like siblings who just got into an argument.
"oi fuckhead someone messaged you" gracie yelled.
gracie stared at luna's broken phone screen in confusion, trying to recall the number messaging her.
an unsaved number messaging luna? the most unpopular introvert there is?
luna carried on bawling about minecraft to her two other friends, not showing any interest in the message.
"luNa" gracie repeated
"someone messaged you"
luna walked over to gracie unenthusiastically, grabbing the phone from her hands.
luna's face. dropped, and she opened her mouth to say something, but was unable to speak at all.
finally, she muttered out an excuse, before shoving her phone in her pockets and scuttling away to the toilet.
"i-i need the toilet" she whispered to gracie, who slowly nodded her head.
"what's up with her?" bea asked, worry expressed of her face.
"i'll go check up on her" gracie insisted, walking towards the toilet.
gracie entered the room to see luna sat on the bathroom floor, her head in her hands.
shutting the door behind her, gracie sat down next to her, throwing her arm over luna's shoulder.
"hey, what's up?" gracie asked.
after a deep breath luna finally spoke.
"it's not even a big deal i'm just being stupid." luna said, forcing out a fake laugh.
"no, no you're not!" gracie replied.
"timothée message me" luna whispered, struggling to even say his name.
"oh god"
"oh god indeed"
"what did he say?"
luna handed her phone to gracie, showing the messages.

"are you going to reply?" gracie asked.

" i really don't want to, but i have to don't i?"

" it would be a little harsh to just leave him on read"

"he ignored me for four years gracie"

"i know, but don't you think he's changed? he was a silly teenage boy then, now look how far he's come!"

"he's a dickhead!" luna half yelled at gracie, trying not to be too loud, but also trying to maintain the whisper she was speaking in.

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