Chapter 1

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Hello, my name is Daniel Howell and over the summer I got a letter in the mail.

That's where my story begins, not the very begining because that would be far too boring and long for me too explain.

So today, I start with the letter, the moment my life changed forever, I think I still have it somewhere if I rifle through some drawers. It is extremely important to me, because its the start of the most exciting and vibrant chapter of my life.

Its the letter that traveled me halfway across the world to be an exchange student.


"Dan, post!" My mother calls up the stairs to me.

I groan, turning over in my bed and pulling my hair from my face. I set my laptop at my side, moving some empty chip bags and candy wrappers. Yes, I am just that healthy.

The kitten clock on my wall reads '1:34' and I groan again, summer and Tumblr have seriously ruined my sleeping schedule.

I sit up, hissing lowly at the sudden head lightness and particles forming in the bottom of my vision. I look around my dark room, the drawn shades only allowing some light to bleed through, I should open those curtains, someday.

Pushing my duvet to the side I shimmy from the crevice in the middle of my bed to the floor. My feet hit the hardwood floors with a dull bump and I finally heave myself upwards. I walk across my room, opening the door knob and covering my eyes as the light beams shoot straight into them.

"He's up!" My sister calls down the steps, obviously about to wake me up.

"You. Are. So. Loud," I inform her groggily, grouchy from my lack of sleeping in. I push past her, heading down the steps and farther into the suns gaze.

"Thats what happens when you get up at 1," she teases, ruffling my curly hair and following me down the stairs.

The first thing I notice is the smell when we get downstairs is the wonderful sent of bacon, my stomach growls, informing me I haven't eaten in at least 12 hours. The next thing I notice is just how hot it is down here. Being stuck up in your dark room wrapped in a heat expelling duvet 24/7 really makes you oblivious to the heat of summer.

"Lunch/breakfast," my mother announces with a little chuckle, rushing around the kitchen. Grabbing her briefcase and readjusting her tie.

"I'm supposed to say that," my dad pouts, turning back to the pans set in front of him and flipping an omelet carefully.

"Well I stole it from you," my mother says, kissing my dad hastily on the cheek and shoving the letter towards me.

"Ew, children," my sister reminds them, taking her seat at the table. I follow in suit, setting my letter next to my plate and waiting for my dad to call us over.

"Sorry, I have to go." My mom says, kissing my sisters and I's temples quickly."But open that letter first," she says, going to step into her heels.

"Alright," I mumble, grabbing the envelope and reading the label.

John Smith Academy
1812 Rose Lane
London, England

I raise my eyebrow skeptically, turning the letter over and ripping at the flap.

"Hurry," My sister, Ally complains, watching me in anticipation as I rip up the letter.

I ignore her, carefully opening up the letter so I don't rip the letter inside.

My mom rushes over, standing next to me and looking at the envelope hopefully.

I finally pull the letter from the envelope, two letters flutter into my lap along with it but I ignore them. I open up the letter and begin to read.

Dear Daniel Howell,

We were pleased to get your email at the beginning of this summer and we are glad to say you have been accepted into our program. Inclosed in this letter is the address for the home you will be staying in and the school you will be gladly attending. Learn all you can and enjoy the experiences of London.

From the desk of Mr. Gabriel, principal of John Smith Academy.

My mother squeals, my sister gives me an odd look and snaps the letter away.

"Surprise!" My mother yells loudly, giggling and hugging me around the shoulders.

"What is it Tam?" My father asks and my mother turns to him.

"Dan's going to be an exchange student in Britain!"

And with that, my story began.

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