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LONDON, 2023

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LONDON, 2023

Aimee's Point of View

"ALRIGHT, class, today we will be discussing the significant historical event known as World War I, also referred to as the Great War. This global conflict occurred between 1914 and 1918 and involved..." I listened attentively as our old history professor, Mr. Anderson, was lecturing us about one of the most pivotal moments in history, World War I.

As I took notes, I could not help but reflect on the paradox of human progress - from creating civilizations to destroying them as if human rights and lives were mere disposables. Being a college student who was taking history, it saddened me deeply.

I remembered the saying, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."

This was the reason why even though we were already in college, things like this kept being lectured about all over again because things like this should never be forgotten. And now, I was even more curious about World War I. I remembered that my father, Henry, Earl of Lorendale, told me that his grandparents - my great-grandparents - lived during the Great War. Maybe I could scan through my family's archives?

And that was exactly what I did. After a tiring class, I went through our private library and looked at the books perfectly aligned on the shelves: science textbooks, medicine textbooks, and even children's novels, but I could not find anything related to history, specifically to World War I. I was about to give up when something caught my attention. In the back of a shelf, hidden was an old book, titled "Distant Star: A Love Eclipsed by War."

Curiosity killed the cat. I took the book, later on realizing it was a diary of my great-grandmother, Amelie, Countess of Lorendale, and it was exactly what I needed - her tale during the Great War. I thought that it was an immortalized love story between her and my great-grandfather, but I was wrong. It was an immortalized love story between her and someone else - her distant star.

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