03. first date

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Kai pulled up to a small diner. It was a rather large trailer like cafe with red and silver lining. The sign glowing an even brighter red.

"This is cute," Kennedy spoke while stepping out of the car.

"Cute diner for a cute girl," Kai said while tossing his keys in his pocket.

"What—" She questioned caught off guard at what he said.


Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows and followed him into the diner, sitting at a small booth by the entrance. A waitress came immediately.

"Welcome to Good Eats Diner, can I start you guys off with some drinks?" The lady asked enthusiastically while handing each of the two a menu.

"I'll have a water," Kennedy said.

"Same here," Kai said afterwards while the lady wrote it down in her notepad and walked away.

Kennedy opened the menu to the lunch section.

While looking through the variations of foods, Kai kept his eyes on her—studying her. He noticed how little she smiled. Sure she did it, but they never extended out like his. Her brown eyes shined from the sunlight glistening down on her, and he noticed how perfect she actually is. His stomach even started to feel funny—but quickly pushed it down to keep going with his plan.

"The salads sound good here," Kennedy spoke while reading her menu. This caught Kai off guard.

"Salad?" He questioned while placing his menu down.

"Yeah, salads are good."

"Salads are gross."

"Aww are you not a healthy person," She pouted jokingly making him smile a bit.

"I guess not! I like to eat jam and pancakes. Oooo and especially homemade pancakes with whip cream made into vampire fangs!"

Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes at him making his smile drown out.

"But I can also devour a hamburger," He said again.

"Wow," Kennedy responded and set down her menu before crossing her hands together. "I bet I can devour a hamburger faster than you."

Kai's eyes widened. "Really now? Is that a challenge?"

"Do you want it to be?" She rose her eyebrows and a smile arose.

"I'll take it," He smiled before the waitress came over with the waters.

"Here are your guys' waters," She spoke while setting them down. "Are you guys ready to order?"

Kai and Kennedy both gave each other a threatening look before looking back at the waitress.

"What's your biggest burger?" Kai asked while extending his arms out and intertwining his fingers.

The waitress looked up to think before speaking, "The Mama Mia, it consists of a thick burger patty, shredded cheese, onions, tomatoes, bacon, grilled fries, and BBQ sauce. Its about 4-5 inches tall."

Kennedy's mouth hung opened and formed into a smile while straightening out her body.

"We'll take 2 of those," Kai smiled as the lady wrote it down and walked away. "You scared?" He looked back at Kennedy and she laughed.

"Puh-lease," She said while waving a hand, "I can beat you."

"Okay, lets make a deal. Loser pays for lunch."

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